
The Perfect Present for a New Mom?

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My Best Friend is Pregnant and I want to buy her lots of pressies for my new Nephew, but I really want to get her things that she will need. Cute Baby Clothes are lovely, but I often feel that they are a waste of money as the babies always grow up so fast and sometimes don't even wear them!

When you had your baby, what did you wish someone would buy for you?




  1. A trip to the SPA!! Every new mom needs a facial and a massage~  

  2. a prenatal massage would be really nice right now :)

    you could also try to give her a coupon for baby sitting... but she may not be willing to be separated from her lil one for awhile... but it would likely be an appreciated gesture

  3. A spa day :)  

  4. When i had my baby, i got TONS of clothes in the 3 month and 6 month sizes, but she grew so fast and i realized I had nothing that would fit her as she got older. I'd say if you are going to do clothes, get some stuff in some larger sizes. has some really fun gift sets that include onesies, bibs, blankets, hats etc. Accessories like that are always a necessity. Other ideas that will be appreciated by a new mom are spa gift certificates, massages, and other pampering gifts like that. Practical gifts are good too. You could put together a gift basket full of things like pacifiers, diaper wipes, bottles, etc.  

  5. I had a massage at a beauty salon and a bottle of champange from my best friend! It was fab!

  6. I would have LOVED if someone cooked for us a few nights a week and brought it over to our house!

  7. A personalized coupon from you offering a week of house cleaning, laundry, or cooking for her.  Having a newborn is hard and there's no way to get everything done, so helping her out with those things would be the best present in my opinion.

  8. A pedicure and enough baby-sitting time for her to have a soak in the bath and a couple of hours sleep!

  9. I just had a baby two and a half months ago and trust me, she is going to need a lot of receiving blankets. I also thought I had enough diapers but I had to go to the store and get more diapers. I also find that my baby's feet are always cold so it would be nice if you got some packs (mixed colors and whites to go with anything), get her mittens so the baby doesn't scratch him/herself. Get some hats and even a mobile, they work wonders.

  10. When my friend was pregnant, I bought her a crib. We went to the store and picked it out together. She really appreciated it, as they're expensive. It meant she had that extra money for diapers and clothes etc.

    We also went on a day to the spar and just chilled and chatted all day.

    It seems like only yesterday and now her little one is turning 3 in a few weeks!

    You're a great friend, good luck to your friend, and you take care.


  11. Small things, like towels, facecloths, receiving blankets, onesies in different sized (larger) and larger pyjamas, baby soap, shampoo, etc.  Maybe make up a large basket and include some stuff for your friend as well as the baby.

    In all honesty, my baby has a wardrobe that would make Paris's pale in comparison.  she goes to daycare so they sit in her closet collecting dust.  Half of them she will never wear, and some only once.  

  12. I was always grateful of nappies/diapers wipes and things like that so they never run out, and little things like helping cook a meal or help with washing, its the little things that matter like showing you care sounds like you do very much !

  13. I agree, a spa day, maybe with you aswell. I would have loved that, still waiting to recieve it!! lol

  14. I haven't had a baby but good useful presents are:

    Muslins (to wipe up baby sick etc),

    Teething rings,

    Music box,


    Dummies if she is going to use them.

  15. Get her a spa day or manicure/ pedicure...

  16. I like getting larger clothes. Like 6-9 and 12 months. A carseat cover for a winter baby, baby einstein movies are the best. Get the ones that just have the songs on them. Babies can watch them for hours.

  17. what i wanted was someone to come over watch the baby(in my house) no leaving!!!! and just let me sleep for a few hours!!!

  18. if she's breastfeeding, the Boppy pillow has been a true necessity for me...w/ slipcovers to change in case Baby poops on it!!

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