
The Perseids meteor shower is this week right ? starting the night of august 12th?

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The Perseids meteor shower is this week right ? starting the night of august 12th?




  1. Yep. The Perseid meteor shower is often quite exciting, too. In the past have been "meteor storms" with thousands of meteors a minute, however it is unlikely to occur this year. The meteors are visible for several weeks before and after the peak, which is the night of August 12th. The best time to view is when the sky is completely dark (no moon, not sunset, not sunrise). The radiant, or the location where all the meteors seem to come from, is in the constellation Perseus, so look in that general direction to get a good view.

  2. Yes, It peaks at Aug. 12th and continues throughout the following weeks.

  3. It has aready started.  The peak is very soon.  

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