
The Petition to Impeach Cheney is surging again. Do you think he should be impeached?

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The petition to impeach Cheney (at had already reached 220,000 and is starting to surge again as a result of Scott McClellan's scathing book revealing White House betrayal of American's.

Do you want to see Cheney impeached?

[source: --explains about Petition against Cheney, which people can sign online]




  1. I've never heard of a greater waste of paper.

  2. He should have been impeached right after 9/11 for his part in the attack on New York civilians.

  3. No I don't want to see Cheney impeached, and I don't see any serious ground for doing so.   In any case its a little late in the game to start and investigation towards an impeachment now.  Even if there was grounds the process would be unlikely to be finished before he leaves office.

  4. You cannot impeach unless a crime was committed.

    It is frightening how liberals seem to think that their political opinions trump the US Constitution.

  5. Its a stupid futile effort.  It can't get started till after the conventions, and then Cheney has 4 months left in office.  This must be some kind of dumb symbolic gesture.

    But then again Democrats are swilling grape kool aid like never before this year (see Clinton vs Obama) so I guess it could happen.

  6. I see no need to waste the money to go thru an impeachment...  lets just bury him up to his neck in an ant hill

  7. He did shoot an attourney  in Texas a couple of years ago and I think that is a pretty serious crime!  Why was he able to get off with no criminal charges??   Sure it was an accident  but if i were to accidently shoot my neighbor i would surely end up in jail??

  8. I don't want to see him impeached. And making gut decisions is something competely different from breaking the law. Which must be proven in order for impeachment to happen. Petitions are stupid, especially online ones which mean absolutly nothing. You could have the entire population of the USA sign it, and unless the House of Representatives votes for impeachment, nothing will happen. Besides, he leaves office in January anyway. What's the big deal?

  9. For what? This question has been answered four hundred times. First, there is no logical reason to, second, it can't be done by teens who have no idea about laws.

    PS. Scott's book was written to make money, it is laughable not scatthing.

  10. Surging? No, I think not.

    Ya know what? If you don't do anything, he'll be out of office on January 20.

  11. yes

  12. Wexler is showing his "mentality" again . Don't pay much attention , the poor guy can't help it .

  13. Only thing that petition shows is there are atleast 220,000 idiots in our country!!

  14. It will never happen.  220000 is like.00075 percent of the population of the United States.

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