
The Phantom of the Opera STAGE PRODUCTION not the movie?

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in the stage production there is a song called Bravo, Monsieur that comes after Wandering Child. Coukd someone please summarize this song for me and what raoul and the phantom are doing? also, could u please describe the choreography of what happens after raoul arrives in Down Once More/Track Down This Murderer? the most detailed answer gets 10 points.




  1. umm..well Bravo, Monsieur is after Christine breaks out of her trance induced by the Phantom. The Phantom is taunting Raoul, daring him to come closer while shooting fireballs towards where Raoul and Christine are standing. Raoul is saying that the Phantom will never have Christine, trying to egg him on. Christine is trying to pull Raoul away from the Phantom and then succeeds. The Phantom delcares war on Christine AND Raoul...lightning flashes, and flames shoot from the stage.

    In Down Once More...well, the Phantom raises the portcullis to let Raoul through. Raoul and Christine embrace. The Phantom walks towards them, going behind his throne to get the Punjab Lasso. He suspends Raoul, the actress playing Christine runs frantically and reaches towards the lasso, trying to find a way to free Raoul. She keeps walking towards the Phantom, pleading with him to spare Raoul and the Phantom keeps running away from her. He goes towards Raoul at one point, and Christine throws hereslf between them...the Phantom goes to his throne and sits while Christine continues to beg. She says "Angel of music, you deceived me! I gave my mind blindly!" At this point the actor playing the Phantom usually rises from his chair and gets in her face saying "You try my patience! Make your choice..." then he turns from her, awaiting her answer. Christine is quiet for a moment and then sings the "Pitiful creature of darknes..." line, usually in tears. She rises and spins the Phantom around to face her, kissing him full on the lips twice and embracing him in between the kisses. The Phantom is in disbelief that she is kissing him. Raoul watches in horror. The Phantom goes over to his organ after the kiss and grabs a candle...he approaches Raoul and Christine, thinking the Phantom will harm Raoul, cries out. Instead, the Phantom burns the lasso holding Raoul and releases him. Christine runs to Raoul as the Phantom tells them to leave. He chases them out and goes over to his Monkey music box. Christine returns, holding out the ring the Phantom previously placed on her finger. The Phantom accepts it reluctantly, grabbing her hand as she turns to leave, whispering "Christine...I love you." Christine turns and leaves him after sobbing into her hand a little...the Phantom finds her discarded wedding veil and holds it to his face as he hears Christine and Raoul singing. He repeats over and over "I love you...I love you..."

    it's absolutely heartbreaking. We see Raoul and Christine go by in the boat..the Phantom sees people climbing down the Portcullis so he covers himself with his cloak while sitting at his throne. Meg Giry slips through the portcullis and pulls the cloak off of the figure...the Phantom has mysteriously disappeared...the only thing remaining is his white mask. Meg holds it up and darkness envelopes everything but the white mask. The show ends.

    Whew! Was that detailed enough? LOL. Here's a video if you want to watch the Bravo Monsieur and Down Once More.

    Wandering Child/Bravo Monsieur (Performed by John Owen-Jones, Oliver Thorton and Rachel Barrell):

    Down Once More Part ONE(Performed by Howard McGillin, Tim Martin Gleason and Rebecca Pitcher):

    Down Once More Part TWO(Performed by Howard McGillin, Tim Martin Gleason and Rebecca Pitcher):

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