
The Pill - Microgynon?

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I have been asked wether i wanted to go on the pill & i said yes,

but the only thing is im not exactly slim 12 stone..and i dont want to put on alot more weight aswell as eating to make it more than 12 stone,isit mostly common that people do put on weight from microgynon? im really curious,because its because of this reason why im holding back taking my first packet.

and also wether there is normally any other common side effects? :(





  1. I put on a bit but not a lot of weight.

    I was only 17 tho and was still growing and in the 'content phas' where you naturally put on weight in a relationship.

    When I came off I lost all the weight I put on, so if it really bothers you you can do that.

    Unfortunately they all do that. I'm on the depo injection now and I've put on a stone (tho it was needed)

    I had to come off the mycrogynon as it made my migranes worse.

    Your b***s will probably grow as well.

    And moods swings are a possibilty and less s*x drive...hmmmpgh!

  2. when i was on microgon i put on about 3 pounds at the very start but that was it, and also my bra  size went up a couple cups so that could be the reason.

  3. yes you will gain weight

    you will get moody, like mood swings

    could lose ur x*x drive

    this is why im not any types of pills

    go on the diaphram or something else not hormonal.

    better to be natural, not drugged up 24/7  

  4. I started the pill 3 weeks ago.

    Microgynon 30 and i was worried about side effects.

    and putting on weight.

    I haven't had any side effects and i haven't put on weight :]

    I was really worried about it too, but i was perfectly fine.

    Just do one packet, if you get side effects or put on weight then

    stop taking them, go to your GP and have them change your pill :]

    My b***s Grew aswell :] it's great haha.

    Good Luck.

    You'll be fine :]

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