
The Pledge of Allegiance?

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Is it more patriotic to cut words "under God" from the Pledge, or to just skip it altogether? I don't believe in God as I am a buddhist an I don't know which I should do.




  1. well the nation was founded on christian belief system so i would leave it alone

    if you don't follow it remain quiet when it is being said

    When i'm in thailand and they are speaking some mantra's i don't agree with I quietly stand with my girlfriend and respect her views and values

  2. just cut the word and say the pledge with your heart that's what is important that you r here for your Nation and the Nation is giving you the freedom and respect to your believes

  3. What would Buddha do? I do believe he would go with the flow.

    Do the words hurt?

    Should the USA throw away its culture because a very few don't agree

    Say it or not it is America and you don't have too.

    and be dam glad you don't have to say that hated word GOD

  4. "use the force" ?  the probem is so many "americans" thik the constitution and country and everything is for white good ol' boy christians. I am 1 of those. but that's is beside the point ;)

    point is- only christian values are cherrished here. Good for you and your beleif system.

    Apparently the pledge of allaegiance is only meant for theists.

    this would be  agood topic to post in the group i just started. bring it and post it!

    here is a new political group i just started -- from the right, left and middle all issues are on the table:

  5. If you are a True American then Pledge Allegiance to OUR FLAG, the Symbol of Our Country.

    If you feel that the words, Under God, offend your Religion, then leave them out. But do not require the removal of those words, because WE are also true Americans, and those words were in the Pledge long before you apparently were old enough to read.

  6. I haven't said the pledge since 1969 during the Vietnam War.  I refuse to pledge my allegiance to a flag or a country that it represents when that country continues to invade other countries.

    When I am at a gathering and people stand to recite the pledge, I stand out of respect for others but I do not place my hand over my heart and I do not utter a word of the pledge.

  7. Skip it if you don't beleive. Why would you say it if you don't beleive in it??

  8. You can say the Pledge of Allegiance, just don't say "under God".  

    I am a Christian and I say "under God", but I respect your religion.  

    I have my faith and you have yours, but we are both Americans.

  9. This country was founded on Christian freedom. I realize under God was added later, I would just stand in respect, that you can leave in country where  you have choice to worship as you please.

  10. So if you know the history on the pledge you know that this country was founded on the belief of God and it should be kept in our pledge if you don't want to say under God then don't that doesn't mean it needs to be removed and note to fiery pits of h**l we aren't pledging allegience to the government we are pledging allegience to our Country

  11. Without God we would not be Free .It does not matter what you believe u are still under God like it or not .So why not say it.But it is ur call !!!

  12. If you believe in the  nation indivisible, say it that way

    I am a Christian- btw

  13. The pledge of allegiance is stupid altogether. Omit the whole thing. Just because people live here doesn't mean we have to align ourselves with this government, which if you get behind it you are also behind killing people for their resources, which most people hopefully are not behind.

  14. Have I misunderstood the teachings of Buddha?  I believe that Buddha taught that there was a "Higher Power" that directed us to a state of learning and peace.  Seems to me that the Higher Power is just another word for God.

    Are you really offended by the words, "under God" in the Pledge?  If so, don't go near our money, for it says, "In God We Trust."

    Have a really good broke time.

  15. I refuse to pledge allegiance to a piece of cloth.

  16. Originally those words were not in the pledge. For those who object they should stand quietly out of respect for others and remain silent. No one should be forced to recite it if they don't want to. As a Buddhist you have gods so pick one to be under. Isn't Buddha often considered a god. If so than while you say under god think under Buddha.

    Note: So often people recite things where they just say the words and may not even know the meaning of what they say. The whole thing could be nonsense and there would be some who would dutifully recite it solemnly word for word whether they know its meaning or not. I wonder how many people actually know or think about the meaning of the words to the pledge or the national anthem.

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