
The Prestige or The Illusionist?

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Which is better? I havnt seen the illusionist yet love edward norton so plan too.




  1. Both were great movies, though I liked "The Prestige" over "The Illusionist" because for one, I'm a bigger fan of Christian Bale over Edward Norton, even though both are great actors.

    For me, "Illusionist" had a weird pace and vibe to it, where as "Prestige" had a real sense of realistic magic, and a very good all around production that somewhat involves the viewer.

    Plus David Bowie does a great job in "Prestige"

  2. I wouldn't argue on which one was "better" because I obviously have no say in that.. but overall I enjoyed The Prestige much more. The Illusionist was brilliant too (and Edward Norton also), but there was something I found so enticing about The Prestige, along with being a big fan of Christian Bale and Micheal Caine.

    The whole thing was just extremely thought-provoking. If you notice, Christian Bale will say "Are you looking closely?" or something like that all throughout the film, and I never understood it. But THEN when the end came, they revealed that the entire film had been a trick right before your eyes.. like magic! I thought it was just so incredible, as well as the rant that was done in the end, and the cloning machine and all that.. I was like "Wow".

    So.. yeah. But they're both really great films. :)

  3. prestige has a better storyline and its got a really suprising ending

  4. I own them both, and love watching them, but I'd have to say I do like Ed Norton a bit better

  5. I liked the Prestige better because it had more of a  realistic sense about it and the storyline was much better than the Illusionist. The Prestige also had a twist in the very end.

  6. The Prestige is better but I enjoyed the Illusionist.

  7. They're both good, and both least for me :)

    I think I prefer the illusionist though

  8. I saw both and felt The Illusionist was much better.  

  9. the prestige was awesome! i havent seen the illusionist yet...

  10. both great movies with great leading actors, but I'm a huge Christian Bale fan so I would have to say Prestige.

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