
The Princess Diaries Books?

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What age are these books aimed at, IMHO they should not be displayed in the kids section in book shops, My 9yo bought one and I was a bit shocked when she asked me what o****m meant??




  1. I do think that nine is probably a bit young for the princess diaries, they are aimed more at girls in their early teens I think.

    In english bookshops they are usually displayed in the 'young adult' section, and nowadays I always assume that books in that section may contain references to s*x etc.  

    If she is an advanced reader, has she tried Harry Potter?  Although there is quite a lot of romance in the later books there are no references to s*x that I can remember.

  2. haha.

    If books are thick, you probably  should check them for stuff like that before letting her buy them. I was shocked when I read them at 12, they're pretty dirty, aren't they?

    In general, non fantasy and scifi has no other angle to go to.


    I didnt say read them, pick random pages and scan them for anything bad. It used to make me nervous when my mom would do that... for good reason. She caught stuff.

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