
The Pro's and Con's of suicide? ?

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Has anyone contemplated suicide and decided that the pro's of life are outweighed by the cons? Personal experience welcome.

Thank you.




  1. " you will go straight to h**l and hang upside down" is what an old, spiritual Master said when he was asked about suicide. He must have known what he was talking about because he had a large following and they said he did many miracles. The statement means that you will immediately go to a woman's womb where you will be upside down, as most babies are, to be born again.

  2. the way i see it is that its not worth ending your life so soon because even if there are more cons in ones life, theres just so many more effective solutions, we all feel like like should end at some point, but you only have one life and ending it so soon is a permanent thing, you cant replace life and if you are able bodied then its worth living, it can cause so much suffering to see a person go like this.

  3. Pros -- you killed yourself, you deserve a Darwin award.

    Cons -- life is always changing. you wont be unhappy forever. Get over it, and the sun will rise tomorrow with or without you. your struggles aren't going to cause any catastrophic changes in the universe... there not worth killing yourself over.

  4. From my experience of suicide contemplation and  attempts I have learned that the cons of suicide outweigh the pros. When it comes to suicide all the person can think about is how unhappy they are and how much better off everyone would be without them. They think that suicide will end their misery, and what they don't think is that they won't be miserable forever. Suicide really is a permanent solution. When I got suicidal I would think of all the things that I would miss out on life. Suicide is a long hard struggle, but once that has passed, everything in life gets so much better. Life gets tough at times, but don't give up on it. My biggest fear when I attempted suicide was that I would fail and end up being physically messed up from it. I have seen affects that suicide has on a person, physically and mentally. When I was hospitalized I had met a kid who survived drinking Drano. This kid will never be normal. He will never be able to eat regular food again. The mental effects on a person can be devastating. It took me 4 years to finally be able to function right. Everyone considered me to be a freak. Just be who you are. Life can be a challenge, but you never know when you'll find true happiness again. So in conclusion, there are no pro's to suicide.  

  5. I have contemplated it lot but then I think when I am dead there is no way things can get better cos all I wont was relief but relief is a feeling and you don't feel anything when your dead so you don't even get the feeling od relief you wont.  

  6. Pro--You don't have to deal with the stress of life anymore or be burdened by an existence you don't want and never requested in the first place.

    Con--You may be missing out an oppurtunity to overcome that stress and be happy in the long run.  And the people who care about you will be hurt.

    Unless you have dependent children, I actually don't see anything inherently wrong with suicide, so I may have be more objective than most on this.  As for personal experience, I have contemplated suicide thoroughly, more existentially than impulsively.  I recognize that people don't choose to live in the first place and that life is not a fairy tale where we live happily ever after, which is why I think people should be able off themselves if they want to.

  7. whoever said, "don't be a p***y" has never been there, please don't talk about stuff you know nothing about!

    I've been close 3 times. I tried the whole pros and cons rout, but that one kinda seemed to point toward ending it.  I wanted so badly to just shut the world off, like I would a bad movie.  But i then i thought, maybe the movie gets better?  So i decided to wait and see if it got better, and while i waited picked up a guitar.  

    If you or anyone else out there is struggling with this, you have to make your life about something.  For me it was music, but it could be anything.  Find something that gets you out of the bed in the morning, and in the mean time it will get better.        

  8. There are pro's of suicide?

  9. Pros- Quick and painless way to deal with the current problem

    Cons- How you would leave your friends and family feeling, admitting to yourself that you're not strong enough to deal with life.  

  10. Pro- Nothing

    Con- Everything

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