
The Prodigal Son Parable?

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i need help re-writing the parable about the prodigal son

i have to write it like a story to tell teenagers so they understand it better




  1. here is an outline of a possibility:  two sons.  one an honor student and excells in sports, the other barely getting by and getting into serious trouble with drugs.  one goes to college and later gets a great job and takes care of his parents.  the other just takes off.  no-one knows where he is  but hear about his whereabouts every now and then.  at some point, maybe he gets into a rehab and gets his life back on track.  he comes back home and his parents are so, so happy to see him and that he is OK after everything he's done and been through.  So they throw a huge party with this son as the man-of-honor.  the first son says  " I've always done the right thing and even taken care of you.  He's only brought you pain and worry.  How can you give him a party just because he finally has come around?"  Parents explain that he was lost for so long (this is symbolic as well as literal) and now he is back and he is OK.   etc. etc.

    you get the idea....:)  

  2. I won't write out a whole  story for you, but you could take a theme about a kid who gets into drugs and winds up sleeping in Central Park and rummaging through trash cans for food before he realizes what a mess he's in.

    Or a girl who runs away from home because she's going to have a baby, winds up in a homeless shelter,  and realizes that as much as she loves her baby, her parents still love her too.

    Personal note--I had a friend who had been into cocaine for a while.  His wake-up was one night at a club, he was in the bathroom sniffing the stuff off the toilet seat.  That's when he realized, man I'm really going the wrong way here.  True story.

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