
The Queen & King of England, including Prince Charles, wear a chest full of medals..?

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My question is.. are they the campaign medals of the wars fought since WW2 and of coarse others..

Also Prince Charles has quite a row as well, to my knowledge none of them have been in a war zone..

If they have it wouldn't have been for long, so why are they entitled to wear those medals ??

Is it just because they are the Royal Family and can wear them solely because they are, because nobody else can !!




  1. Prince Charles is a veteran of the Royal Navy;he left after 20+ years of service and his last ranking was Commander of the mine sweeper,The HMS Bronington. He also served  as a Royal Marine commando and was a qualified helicopter pilot.There were no wars fought at the time,but he still served in each of the branches that he will one day command as titular head.

    The Queen was a teen-ager during World War II,and unlike many Royal Families, her's stayed in England. Elizabeth signed up with a woman's service and learned how to be a mechanic,a skill that she still takes pride in to day;as reigning monarch, the Queen is titular head of all the military, so she wears the uniform with pride.

    The Duke of Edinburgh is a World War II Veteran;he saw war duty, and his sons, Charles and Andrew followed their father into the Navy. Andrew, Duke of York is a veteran of the Falklands. He is also a highly qualified helicopter pilot, to the horror of his mother, used his helicopter as decoy,to attract bombs. He readily admitted to being very scared.

    My father was a veteran of World War II and the Korean war and wants to make something very clear: if you serve your country,it doesn't matter if there is a war going on or not,you have duties that must be done. Soldiers, sailors, marines...are all paid employees of the government and must go to where ever they are sent!

  2. Prince Charles got them from his mum for being good

  3. They are mostly the medals which represent orders into which the various Royals have been invested.  They are not, for the most part, military decorations.

    Prince Phillip and Prince Charles may have received a military medal or two during their active duty careers.

  4. - "The Queen & King of England"

    They are not Queen & King of England. There has been no such thing for hundreds of years. There was "Unions".

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