
The Queen and the Royal Family cost the taxpayer 66p per person last year - an increase of four pence.....?

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.... The robbing b*****d thats a half bottle of lambrini or a large tin of beans! time for revolution and the Republic??? YES/NO




  1. I don't mind paying 66p for the queen! i would happily give her more, the queen and royal family are part of our heritage

  2. Tell me about it, the Queen needs to get a job...

  3. 66p? Bargain if you ask me.  Prince Philip is great value for money on his own.  He could do stand-up, that man.

  4. i think it is bad because the royals aint even british so why do they wan't money of us get it of the germans

  5. And replace them with president Blair that would cost each person at least 660 pounds a year if not far more!!!!

  6. No,and I don't need to go into the resons why,Just NO.

  7. Most people (not me) probably throw that amount on the street in coppes every year. I don't think its that bad to be honest.

    Also, I see peoples reasons for becoming a Republic and I think that it definitely has some positives, but I still think we shoudl keep the monarchy. Its fairly unique and a tradition (although I'll admit some traditons like fox hunting should be ditched in todays society).

    So I'd probably say to keep the monarchy. xx.

  8. I think that's fantastic value for money.

    What made me laugh was on the BBC News it was described as a 4p HIKE.  Out of the £900+ income tax I pay each month (so that's not including all of the other taxes) a staggering 6p goes to the Royal Family.  

    Keep up the good work Ma'am.

  9. What a lying bunch of thieving, good-for-nothing, worthless layabout pillocks that mob is.

    The more I hear about them, the more attractive the guillotine looks.

    So yes - bring on the revolution and let's establish a republic.

  10. no. 1000s of tourists come to England each year to see the palace and possably the queen. they raise more in tourism then they cost.that's a fact that is always forgotten be republicans.also this once great country is already a sad Shadow of it former self.lets not take anything else from it so it just yet another small country with a president in charge. 66p whats that half 1 litre of petrol?

  11. It's still 66 pence taxed from people less wealthy than the monarchy.

  12. Just saw a republican claiming the true cost this year was £150million. He'd added in an estimated cost of security etc. Of course that is still £50million short of the £200 million the Crown Estate handed the government last year. We will soon get the figure for what they handed over this year. So Yes, the monarchy is good value for money and more than covers its cost by itself. There was the usual fictional nonsense about them not paying tax, which hasn't been the case for years.

  13. We have to look much deeper than the 66p for each taxpayer,after all what's 66p for a whole year ?

    The citizens of the United Kingdom have had their lives ruled throughout history by the ruling classes,the rich and powerful land owning classes,in other words "The Establishment"

    The Queen and her royal family are the central core of this establishment and it is therefore in the vital selfish interests of the 'establishment' to ensure that the Royal Family stays in place. This minority have immense power and effectively control the lives of the rest of us.They are royalty, the barons and earls ,most members of the House of Lords,land owning 'gentry' and have significant control over governments,police forces at the highest level,not to mention big business.

    You can understand that if the royal family and the queen at its central core was,by the overwhelming public demand discontinued,the establishment would eventually collapse.The rest of us would essentially become free for the first time in our history. It is the establishment who have put out this ridiculous figure of 66p per year to fool the rest of us into believing that we should maintain the monarchy  if thats all it costs .The real cost is something nearer to 80 million pounds per year !

    To maintain the establishment The royal family are mere accidents of birth and their numerous family extensions are also by accident of birth, just hangers on who do nothing at all for the rest of us, They descend from the German aristocracy,the Queen is married to a Greek. Look at the example to public morals,all of the Queens offsprings have been involved in adulterous relationships,fornication and divorce .We all,like sheep bow down to their false image led particularly by the three owners of ten out of the twelve daily newspapers in Britain.Essentially we are being brainwashed into believing that we could not live a better life if the monarchy was disbanded.

    So its not the 66p per every individual,its the 80 million pounds per year and the fact that we have been led to believe that the country would crumble without royalty. You could put a German dachsund on the throne and those who have been brainwashed would still fawn over the pomp and ceremony surrounding it and its family.

  14. Nope, they are worth it just for the entertainment value.

  15. Ting-tong it's my guess that you probably sponge like mad, so perhaps you had better keep it zipped.

    If there is a revolution you might be the first up against the wall.

  16. Well in fairness Gordon 'No-one would ever vote for me' Brown has stolen a whole lot more from us than that....

  17. hahahahhahaha yes

  18. no you sad conceated bastar,d i would much rather have her than someone like george bush as my head of state hang your head in shame

  19. Good grief, your parents and their parents before them supported and revered the Royals is 66p a year really that hard on you?

    Why not move to Iran or Irag you wont have to support and Royals there.

    Best of luck

  20. "Well in fairness Gordon 'No-one would ever vote for me' Brown has stolen a whole lot more from us than that...."

    Actually, Gordon Brown had a majority of 18,216 (43.6%) votes in the last general election. He was also voted leader of the Labour party by his party. More people have voted for Brown than have ever voted for the queen because we don't get a vote. Are we a democracy or not?

    As for president Blair a) he wouldn't stand (not enough money), b) nobody would vote for him anyway.

    Come on monarchists, you're really going to have to come up with better arguments than this to continue to deny us our democratic rights.

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