
The Queen is p..... off with G Brown. Will he take the slightest notice?

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It's about school leavers swearing an oath of allegiance

and Citizenship

Who are they supposed to swear it to then? If not HM




  1. We are not a republic. You swear an oath to a president and the flag of the country he represents. In a democratic kingdom it is prefer-ed that you like your monarch, but if you don`t it does not matter, you will not be forced to. Only members of the armed forces are asked to swear allegiance to their monarch, and the reason for this is obvious.

    If George Brown wants to swear, that's` up to him, but it would be better that the Queen does not hear him, I understand that she dislikes the use of swearing!

  2. Well i am 100% Scottish Nationalist and it can be certain to say i will never swear an oath of allegiance to anyone. I believe in Independence for my country and believe England and Wales should be Independent too. The british Union is crumbling faster than before....

    People want Change.. With the UK, Scottish,English,Welsh and Northern Irish feel they dont have their seperate identities anymore. Well that is certainly the case here in Scotland.

    I think Gordon Brown is on his way out and the English people (majority of UK) will vote for a conservative David Cameron government. If that happens then say goodbye to Scotland haa

  3. who is the queen apart from a upper class sponger so if she's pi-sed off with our sainted prime mininster tough

  4. Swear it to the flag. The flag that represents ALL the countries in the Union (forget the historical bickering). And swear respect and loyalty to what that flag represents - anyone who wont swear that alleigance should push off back to whatever country they came from.

    You want British citizenship, then try to BE British. Learn the language, integrate, dont form your own little ghettos. And remember whos country it was before you got here.

    We encourage you have have your synagogues, temples, mosques etc, but its OUR law, not sharia.

  5. No-one, i disagree with having to swear allegiance to the queen.

  6. to the society & nation they become part off. Either by heart or declaration.

  7. A simple fact ... once, and within one generation ago, British people were proud to feel British, sing the national anthem and look up to the Queen. Nowadays, none of that appears to stack up. The Britishness has gone out of our country, we are multi-ethnic through no choice ( I suggest ) of our own, and being British means that we live in a country that's a meal ticket for the rest of the world. I have no firm opinion as to if Royalty should be looked up to nowadays, but it is the last piece of British staunchness that we have.  I cannot imagine any legal immigrant wanting to give allegiance to the Queen ( but I am happy to hear otherwise ) and I feel that while it may appear nothing more than a token gesture, it would at least bring some semblance of British respectability to this country.  I love to see Union Jack waving but how often do we do it?   At every England game?  Not enough!  Yes, GB needs to recognise something so trivial can indeed be something so important. No wonder the BNP is gaining headway .,.. at least they display the bloody flag in their promotions.  And the Queen should be miffed that people don't want to show a common courtesy such as this. I'm not a Royalist, by any means, but I do believe that national strength is so important and it is sadly missing .. so many people are going elsewhere to live and we wonder why?  I am almost reticent to tell people that I am British when abroad .... that is very sad.

  8. Don't be daft he thinks he's the greatest thing since Tony Blair!

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