
The Queen is patron to the RSPCA, yet the royal family often enjoy a spot of fox hunting and shooting birds?

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How hypocritical is this?

Why do British people put up with royalty?




  1. Yes, another double standard from the Royal fam. Prince Philip is the main hunter i think and he is also involved with the WWF!

    Why do we put up with them? Because we have to!

  2. There it is - the uk's number 1 tourist attraction!!!

  3. Yes, it's hypocritical, what else would one expect from the Windsor mob? Of course, it's thought to be a jolly good PR ploy by Liz and Co.

    Maybe it would be different were there to be an open season on the royals and their hangers-on!

  4. Perhaps you had better join the RSPCA yourself and get your facts straight. Unless you are a vegan, I'm sure that many a chicken has adorned your dinner plate.

  5. d**n good point! i HATE all forms of cruelty to animals i am a great believer in live and LET live!! and yes the whole thing is hypocrisy!! Why do we put up with royalty?? because we DONT live in a democracy thats why!!

  6. they are the worst example to britain - hypocrites. As long as we are not doing it then their children can.

  7. It's a total farce.

    They live off the fat of the land, and laugh as they make a mockery of what is good and true.

  8. God is good. kings and queens will come and go,like rich people who build monuments on earth to glorify themselves.Would you have God's grace each day with your daily bread all your life ? or a palace of gold and be fed by the poor and enslaved  people of your kingdom ? If you live to be a 100 in a gold castle,where will your Good works come from ?

  9. Double standers there every where, haven't you noticed.

  10. You got it wrong, they used to enjoy fox hunting. I'ts banned now so get your silly facts right, idiot. And they shoot birds that are bred for shooting.

    Hunting in general is illegal in the UK, whereas in the USA they shoot any animal any chance they get, of course only if it's in season, Hahahaha.

    We put up with them because we love them

    PS, it isn't life that sucks, it's you

    PSS If you live in London, why don't you follow the news, then you would know that fox hunting was banned

  11. Princess Diana hated any kind of killing the poor animals.

  12. Yes . It's a good illustration of the hypocrisy of the royal family.

  13. I think it goes to show the hunting of Fox's with dogs and the shooting of birds is not cruel.

    I don't care where you are from, but you are not from here so do not question our Royalty.

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