
The Queen looks healthy enough to attain 100 years of age. So who will send HER the congratulations telegram?

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The Queen looks healthy enough to attain 100 years of age. So who will send HER the congratulations telegram?




  1. I will be happy to. Actually, her mom reached the ripe old age of 106 and you're right - the queen looks healthy enough to even surpass that.

  2. Not me, she doesn't even know i exist.

  3. If the Queen is still on the throne when she`s 100 , I would expect that the office which deals with all her correspondence would do the deed.

  4. I don't think I'll bother

  5. If she reaches three figures, most Governments/Heads of State will send her congratualtion messages (likely also this year for her Diamond Wedding anniversary - on 20 November).

    It would also be a national day of celebration.

  6. Definitely not me.

  7. i will

  8. Osama Bin Laden will send her the letter from his luxurious cave.

  9. all the g*y Queens of the world

  10. I will be sending her one - if she out lives me, I guess Prince Charles, though I guess he would have not need as he will be there to celebrate anyway!

  11. Prince Charles saying is it my turn yet .

  12. Joey Buttafuoco.

  13. If and when Her Majesty reaches 100 years old, I believe the congradulations telegram or Birhday card should be down to the UK subjects from every walk of life.

  14. charlie boy?? depends if she abdicates...

  15. how old is he now?

  16. Everyone ;)

  17. She might still be alive at 100, but it is unlikely she will still be queen then. So the new king will

  18. They will most probally hold a very special event for the queens B-day.

    I hope she lives to 100, cuz if she doesn't then that means that Charles gets the crown aswell as Camilla and thats when things start to go wrong.

    I swear that woman is not worthy of royalty.

  19. If I am still around - I might

  20. Nope, I wont ..... first, i dont know her contact. second,  many people will do.  Should find out something special and interesting to her....heheeeheee

  21. I am sure the festivities will be a lot bigger than a personal card from the Queen.

    She'll probably be getting cards from every leader on Earth, so I don't think she'll mind. It's a funny thought though.

  22. Loads of people. The Queen is a popular person.

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