
The Queen???

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The Queen of England is also the queen of Australia?

I know that Australia is a former member of the Commonwealth, but now what is the situation?

(I'm not Australian...LOL)




  1. The Queen of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is either Queen or Head of State in  many other countries of the Commonwealth of Nations.

    Australia, alongside Canada, New Zealand to name just a few countries are part of the Commonwealth.  Her Britannic Majesty is Queen and Head of State of Australia. Why you should think that Australia is a "former member" is beyond me.

  2. Australia is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.

    Since gaining independence in 1901 Australia has been a monarchy. In 1935 King George V was styled "King of Australia", therefore, the Queen is known as "Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Australia and Her other realms and territories".

    While she is not in the country, she is represented by the Governor General in Canberra, the Capital Territory, or by Governors in the States.

    There was a referendum in November 1999 if Australia should become a republic, but a majority of 55 to 45 voted NO to a republic.

  3. Her Majesty is Queen of England, but also Queen of Canada, Queen of Australia, Queen of New Zealand, Queen of Bermuda, etc. When she is in those countries she is the head of state. Therefore she needs no passport to visit. Bills are still only passed into law when royal assent is given. Prime Ministers, Ministers, governments serve at her pleasure. The Armed Forces, the justices, the police, elected representatives pledge an oath of loyalty to The Queen and her heirs and successors.

    Countries in the Commonwealth are there because they wish to be. None are fighting to leave or be free as one poster suggested. The closest departure was when Australia had a referendum on abolishing the monarchy. As fashionable as it seemed to toss them out, the majority said no, we want them. The media should accept that the public have spoken.

  4. I don't know but the Queen of England is also the official head of state of Canada.  I live in Canada.  What is up with that?

  5. ah your wrong we are still in the commonweath... we voted no to becoming a republic... good sense won over being fasionable for once.

    that is why she is head of our government and is represented here in australia by the governor general..

  6. From

    "The Queen is Head of the Commonwealth, a voluntary association of 53 independent countries.

    From Antigua to Zambia, the Commonwealth is a remarkable international organisation, spanning every geographical region, religion and culture. It exists to foster international co-operation and trade links between people all over the world.

    Some countries within the Commonwealth have The Queen as their Sovereign, whilst remaining independent in the conduct of their own affairs. They are known as Commonwealth realms.

    The Queen and the Royal Family retain close links with the Commonwealth realms, and with other members of the worldwide Commonwealth organisation."

    Australia is part of the Commonwealth.Here's a list of those who are linked to Queen Elizabeth II:


    There are 53 member countries of the Commonwealth. These are listed below, with the years in which they joined the Commonwealth.

    Also listed is their constitutional status. 'Realm' indicates a Commonwealth country which retained a monarchical constitution, recognising The Queen as Sovereign, while 'monarchy' indicates an indigenous monarchical constitution.

    Nauru is a Special Member which does not attend meetings of Commonwealth Heads of Government.

    Since membership of the Commonwealth is entirely voluntary, any member can withdraw at any time.

    The Republic of Ireland did so in 1949, as did Zimbabwe in 2003.

      The largest member of the Commonwealth is Canada, at nearly 10 million square kilometres.

    The most populous Commonwealth country is India, with nearly 1.1 billion people.

    The smallest member is Nauru, with only 13,000 inhabitants.

    The Commonwealth also includes the world's driest and most sparsely populated country: Namibia.

    Country Date Status

    Antigua and Barbuda 1981 Realm

    Australia 1931 Realm

    The Bahamas 1973 Realm

    Bangladesh 1972 Republic

    Barbados 1966 Realm

    Belize 1981 Realm

    Botswana 1966 Republic

    Brunei 1984 Monarchy

    Cameroon 1995 Republic

    Canada 1931 Realm

    Cyprus 1961 Republic

    Dominica 1978 Republic

    Fiji Islands 1997  Republic

    The Gambia 1965 Republic

    Ghana 1957 Republic

    Grenada 1974 Realm

    Guyana 1966 Republic

    India 1947 Republic

    Jamaica 1962 Realm

    Kenya 1963 Republic

    Kiribati 1979 Republic

    Lesotho 1966 Monarchy

    Malawi 1964 Republic

    Malaysia 1957 Monarchy

    The Maldives 1982 Republic

    Malta 1964 Republic

    Mauritius 1968 Republic

    Mozambique 1995 Republic

    Namibia 1990 Republic

    Nauru 1968 Republic

    New Zealand 1931 Realm

    Nigeria 1960 Republic

    Pakistan 1947 Republic

    Papua New Guinea 1975 Realm

    St. Christopher and Nevis 1983 Realm

    St. Lucia 1979 Realm

    St. Vincent and the Grenadines    1979 Realm

    Samoa 1970 Republic

    Seychelles 1976 Republic

    Sierra Leone 1961 Republic

    Singapore 1965 Republic

    Solomon Islands 1978 Realm

    South Africa 1931

    (withdrew in 1961,    

    rejoined in 1994) Republic

    Sri Lanka 1948 Republic

    Swaziland 1968 Monarchy

    Tanzania 1961 Republic

    Tonga 1970 Monarchy

    Trinidad and Tobago 1962 Republic

    Tuvalu 1978 Realm

    United Kingdom  Monarchy

    Uganda 1962 Republic

    Vanuatu 1980 Republic

    Zambia 1964 Republic "

  7. it is still a member of the commonwealth ,where are you getting your info?

    Nothing has changed.

  8. As far as I know big countries such as Australia, New Zealand, and Canada are part of the commonwealth but with their own parliments and with a growing resentment of British rule in those countries. They are fighting to be free countries.

  9. The Queen of England is the Queen of England. She's on their currency because Australia is still part of the commonwealth of nations. Same with Canada.
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