
The Queen too much money or not??? yes or no?

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The Queen too much money or not??? yes or no?




  1. In America our royalty is large corperate executives such as Sprawl Mart.  The top Ceo receives approximatly 20mil every year While the lowest paid does not even have health care for their family.  The queen receives less than a million and people in brittan have health care.  So, I would say the queen is not making too much.

  2. The Queen  was born in to the Royal Family and Inherieted her Money ,Its her Birthright and she now Pays Taxes ,Yes she Owns a lot of Property But I wouldnt like the job would  you?Her life as never been her own ,and after 50 years of Hard work ,80 and still touring abroad People come on here and run them down ,Just go to the Trooping of the colour or outside of Buckingham and see the excited tourists peeping through the bars ,While spending there money ,And then tell me they arent worth it, Hope she goes on to 100 or more

  3. She might have a lot of money but she deserves it

  4. One can never have too much money!

  5. No, god bless her and all who sail in her

  6. Well she doesn't need to spend it like us commoners does she so yes far to much!!!!

  7. Yes.

  8. Yes but that's the way life is don't worry about it

  9. She does have a lot of money, but some people have far more....

  10. No as her investment work really well

  11. yes cause she does she is the queen!!!

  12. she is worth every penny

  13. yes money for doing nothing....i dont like the royal family

  14. What a dumb idiotic question.

  15. To much, do you really need to ask.

  16. The queen is supposed to represent our nation to the world....and surely we want to show our nation at its best.

    If we had a cheap queen in trakkies it would hardly give a good impression of our country.

    And it's not like people are missing out as a result, we have the nhs, we have benefits and houses for people who cant afford things and we have free schooling.

    i think our countrys great :)

  17. But look t her life - never once has she been able to just go on holiday, go on a date, get drunk in her local pub, catch a film at a cinema...all the 'normal' things we do without thinking about. She has security people with her 24-7, she has to meet with boring politicians and people she probably has no interest in meeting, she has to put up with people making **** films/taking the mickey out of her for comedy sake. She has money-obsessed children (Prince Andrew) and even more stupid grandchildren (Prince Harry). She probably doesn't get to spend much of that money, I mean when do you ever see her clothes shopping or off on some fancy holiday? At least she carries out her royal duties instead of just sleeping around and talking to plants (Diana, Fergie, Charles)

    Her life, for all the highlights, seems pretty rubbish, fancy being told what to do, where to go, for all your life? So yeh she has lots of money, but I think she deserves

  18. compared to?

  19. Sorry, but your question is not clear enough? Are you selling her or asking does she get enough money?

  20. Queen Elizabeth has gotten almost all of her money from inheritance, which is legal and almost everyone inherits money from their ancestors. I don't think it is up to you or me to decide the legality of her personal financial situation.

  21. Yes, most certainly she does.

  22. Well, put yourself in her shoes...would YOU think you had too much!

    She has all those grand properties to maintain . And she is careful with all that money  - I`ve heard she turns the lights off!

  23. Not enough - give Her Majesty more!

    Build her a new BIGGER Royal Yacht to replace Brittania you cheapskates

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