
The RED, WHITE and BLUE...Republic, Democratics...and the white is what??

by Guest45382  |  earlier

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Should your stars be multi-coloured do you think?




  1. bored today are we?

  2. Should read.. Republicans..democrates...none of thee above

  3. Independent?

  4. You've got it backwards.. red white and blue were the colors long before there were political parties.  they have nothing to do with ethnicity or politics

  5. i got red veins white skin and blue veins so yeah those are my colors

    the white represents the unblemished innocents thats between the two tuggin to sway the white but the whites gonna tug on both the red and blue till they both get right and see the light twinkle twinkle lil star

  6. white supremacists

  7. That would be more representative of the Constitution, but it will never happen. America was built on the backs of African slaves; a part of history people want to forget. Republicans actually want to stop immigration, another important policy that has made America who she is today.

    So many Americans have forgotten what it means to be American. Obama is helping to bring the awareness back.

  8. The colors red, white, and blue did not have meanings for The Stars and Stripes when it was adopted in 1777. However, the colors in the Great Seal did have specific meanings. Charles Thompson, Secretary of the Continental Congress, reporting to Congress on the Seal, stated:

    "The colors of the pales (the vertical stripes) are those used in the flag of the United States of America; White signifies purity and innocence, Red, hardiness & valour, and Blue, the color of the Chief (the broad band above the stripes) signifies vigilance, perseverance & justice."  

  9. the white is the women that Obama is going to loose in the next election

  10. what? I do not get it.

  11. Why? Do you think non-whites aren't proud  of the US flag?

  12. Right.

  13. White will be the Libertarians, one day.

  14. White is generally used for independents, and often it's used for prominent third parties as well (e.g. In the '90s, the Reform Party used the color white in all of its elections before petty factioning caused it to die a painful, painful death.)  

  15. The American flag is a spin-off from the British Union Jack.

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