
The RNC used 9/11 to promote themselves, but they forgot one thing?

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The real heroes of the day weren't taken care of by the very political party using that day to their supposed advantage. See a problem here?




  1. Well you see that kind of stuff always gets swept under the carpet, we don't like the negativity it portrays.

  2. Republicans are corrupt liars!

  3. The RNC uses scare tactics and propaganda  to get our votes... sad how a party will go so low to win.

  4. And the military that comes home from combat wont be taken care of either and with the Rep. in office you can forget the GI Bill being reformed.

    It is really sad how those few (republicans in office) only think of the selves and the 1% they represent.  Dirty money wont save your soul.

    There are good people that just don't seem to get the mentality of these greedy, rich, power stricken leaders and there agendas.  

    God help us all.


  5. They didn't forget, they just don't give a d**n.

  6. 9/11 was Bushes fault did they talk about that?

  7. Blah, blah blah.

  8. You know you shut them up.  LOL  

  9. "I think both of them (McCain and Obama) are equally unable to cope with the threat represented by Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda, and the Islamists. They really don’t have a clue about what this war is about. Mr. McCain is very confident, but he’s clueless. Mr. Obama is equally clueless. They continue to tell Americans these people are Islamo-fascists, and they hate us because of our freedoms and they hate us for our liberties.

    What they hate us for is the unusually virulent strain of obsessive compulsive disorder that’s present in the American governing class, and that’s called interventionism. That’s what the cause of this war is. And neither Mr. McCain, nor Mr. Obama, nor Mrs. Clinton, nor any of the rest of them who are in the campaign—except Mr. Paul, Mr. Kucinich perhaps—had that idea.” - Michael Scheuer, retired Head of CIA'S OSAMA BIN LADEN UNIT

    "If you want to understand what's going on and if you would like to get to know some of the reasons for your losing the war against us, then read the book of Michael Scheuer." - Osama Bin Laden

    So both the head of the CIA's Osama Bin Laden Unit, and Osama Bin Laden himself say that intervention is the cause of terrorism.  Doesn't get much more objective than this, folks.  But go ahead and thumb me down in defense of your ideology.  We all lose at the voting booth.

    Seems as if everyone is fighting over a combined pile of Donkey and Elephant f***s!

  10. Yeah...Whats to be proud of when you allowed the biggest terrorist attack ever against the US happen when you were in office?

  11. SPEW!  YOU SUCK!

  12. The WTC was bombed in 1993 -- I was there -- and Bill Clinton never even bothered to come to NY and visit, etc. see the damage...

    Do you know that? (we do) And we'll never forget.

    For one, NYC and many organizations have tended to families and love ones, with events, memorials, numbers, financial support and health care -- there's of course, pending law suits by responders & maladies that are supposed to be related. This is MORE of an issue that anyone can get into here, but to blanket it and say the RNC is "promoting themselves" -- because they're EXPOSING THE WEAKNESS OF THE DEM PARTY with simple facts.. is wrong, it's weaker still, and it's not affecting anyone that actually knows what this is all about.

    Many people died that day, and after. Lives were affected. MEETING with the Syrian dictator, pretending that a Dem would have lead the capture of OBL (and on the other side of your face say that Gitmo is mistreating these miscreants) is pure nonsense -- and this is a weakness that the GOP is exploiting. It's reality. Biden, Obama, Harry Reid, Pelosi.. seem to have you loyalty for saying the easy-things, about running away and keeping what we have -- and then the NEXT time this happens, the finger-pointing will start ALL over again.. and not affect any of them, who'll be tsk tsking or bowing their phony heads in some solemn posture on camera.. again. Meanwhile, here and now.. you choose someone that can lead the Country.

    Go ahead.

  13. Didn't watch the RNC did you?

    Also, who do you think was in office when 9/11 occurred genius?

  14. Do you really expect them to admit to any wrong doing by their lord and savior little georgie bush?  They are too deep into denial to even consider the possibility.

  15. Only liberals with their phoney stories.  We're not falling for the narrative anymore!

    9/11 Would never have happened if Clinton didn't let Osama go and Sandy Berger didn't steal and destroy evidence from the National Archives!

    Open your eyes!

  16. I guess I missed something hasnt the congress been controlled by the Dems for the last two years, I am sure there is enough incompetence to be shared by both parties, you are just a little too one sided to be fair.

  17. Republicans are lousy, hypocritical opportunists.  

  18. I see a problem with everything they do involving 9/11. If a Democrat had been in office when that had happened, they would have responded in an effective manner. It's like they're thankful 9/11 happened because they can exploit it to boost their popularity.

  19. President bush Slashed federal funding to the FDNY, NYPD and Port Authority police.

    I was at the Javits center on 9-12-01, 9-13-01 and 9-14-01 and every race and every religion was united in this city of millions. (the Fema and red cross center for ground zero that acutually worked)

    There was a look on New Yorkers faces that haven't left since. To use this to exploit a political gain is ap"palin"g. It makes me sick that the very iron workers uninons who worked 72 hours straight cutting i-beams upto find the injured and dead are being placed under attack by the republican party.

    To all of you with "never forget" stickers on your cars, we don't need tee shirts and magnet stickers to remind us of the twin towers. I look out of my room every nite at the void in the skyline.

    By the way How could you ever forget?

  20. Be careful now, you know how they get when their caught in their own lies. They might sick Palin on you.....Roarrrr!

  21. It's a disgrace.

    They have no respect for the families and friends who lost their loved ones on that terrible day.

    How can they sink so low?

    It's just them once again trying to campaign on FEAR.

    But America is better than this.  We won't fall for their strategy this time.

  22. Yeah.

    Its a sad situation, but I think these things have more to do with the insurance companies, and the lack of government pressure on them.

  23. Your side did take care of em? Yeah, now shut your hole!

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