
The Republican party traditionally means state +indiv. rights over fed. govt.Is that what it is in 2008?

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The Republican party traditionally means state +indiv. rights over fed. govt control. Has the Bush administration held true to the Republican party's ideals?




  1. Yes, he has, and is also trying to protect Americans from a NEW enemy, called terrorists. It is only Liberals who want the terrorist suspects in Guantanamo Bay set free, open borders so anyone can enter, and America no longer existing. Any new terror attacks on America, after 9/11? NO. Thank you Mr. President George Bush! I knew there was a reason you were elected BY the PEOPLE TWICE!!!!!

  2. that's bullony..

    the us supreme court republican picks .. decided the state election results for florida.. over ruling floridas supreme court..

    how you figure the republicans are for hands off state affairs?

    they decided the presidential election when it benefitted them

    the republican party is all about personal profit.. s***w everyone else..   thats the destruction of the usa in the long term.

  3. Unfortunately that isn't true.  The Republican Party has distorted it's roots and has become unclear about it's message.  Like it's Democratic Party Counterpart, it resembles them in practice, but their methods differ.  I fear that the party system has become compromised by polarization in their ideas of State control.  One wants to rule your pocketbook, the other one wants to rule your spirit.  I don't know which one is worse.

  4. McCain is just like Obama. They are both left wing liberal bias Socialist Democrats. I'm a Republican that is going to vote for Bob Barr, Libertarian 2008. Join me. Barr is going to build the fence and no amnesty!

  5. Hello --

    This is an interesting question ...

    Very difficult to say for sure but I would point out two ideas in making a conclusion.

    The GOP is different than the George W. Bush administration ... A lot of the rank and file are very dissatisfied with his policies.  

    George W. Bush's administration has almost been entirely shaped by the war.  In times of war every administration has wrestled with federal versus individual rights.  FDR had Japanese Americans interred in concentration camps (for example).

    In general the tradition of the GOP is for smaller government -- the times we live in are pushing a more big government approach to problem solving.

    Best of luck in your search,

    W. N.

  6. If you want to be represented by our government you need a lobbyist in Wasington DC. Without that you have no say in how our government runs. This issn't a represenitive democracy anymore its a big corporation. You shouldn't have any question about that anymore. Us and them

  7. No. The GOP has moved away from its roots. I am a Republician and cant tell where the modern GOP stands.

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