
The Republicans elected George Bush in 2000 and 2004? Why am I to believe they know what they're doing in '08?

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I'm fed up with the Republicans. Can u tell?




  1. Ditto!

    I have never believed that ANY Republican is capable of doing anything worthwhile!



  2. Republicans are the destroyers of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

    They want Death,Slavery, and the Pursuit of Misery

    With Failed wars bringing death to our troops and Innocent civilians, sending jobs overseas because they would rather pay 25cents an hour instead of a fair wage, And make it hard for most Americans to,save,buy necessities,afford a home,Health-care   ect...

  3. So you nominate someone with no experience and sketchy ties..Thats one h**l of a protest.

  4. You should not trust them they are doing it again....

    yeah I can tell....I am too.

  5. Well, considering the alternative, you could rely on Hillary's assumption. "He is a dangerous man" (in reference to Obama)

  6. Because we elected Bush in 2000 and 2004. Consider that the Dems had Gore and then Kerry.  Only a moron with an IQ of 5 would have voted for them. Now they have Obama who is anti-gun, pro tax.  Better to let the Soviets comeback and beat us this time.

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