
The Royal Family, are they worthwhile?

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I know the Queen works hard, but don't you think Royals like Prince Andrew are taking advantage of their position. He hired a helicopter at the taxpayers expense for a jaunt between golf courses cost over £30,000.




  1. Okay, I'm a part of the Commonwealth, so, same Queen. I think the Queen is worthwhile because she serves as head of state. If you got rid of her, you would still have to pay someone to represent the UK. I don't always think the Royal family are particularly classy and they tent to air out their dirty laundry, but they represent thousands of years of history and tradition. Now, putting spending limits on the royal family is another matter....

  2. There really isn't a reason for them in the modern world. They are really just a figurehead nowadays. The Queen does a few roles but nothing that wouldn't be hard to replace her with.

    What's really stupid is why Australia still had the Queen! Surely Australia could be allies with England and be its own country!

  3. Yes,the Queen does work hard and so do the few other Royals who are on the Civil List.You have pointed out one thing that Prince Andrew  did,but you failed to tell us if it was on official duties.Have you bothered to calculate how much politicians cost us?We have to pay for their second homes in London,we pay for their families,we pay their families to do imaginary work for them,we pay for the second home to be decorated,for the electricity,water and gas used,light bulbs,telephones and T.Vs and even the T.V licence,stereo systems,stationary and postage stamps,I could go on but,I think you get the idea,There are hundreds of politicians but,only one Royal family.Australia had a referendum and voted to retain Queen Elizabeth,as their head of state.It was their choice.They are no longer inbred as the american stated,even if they were it would be far better than to have a known r****d as the president.

  4. The royals are awesome... and anyway how else would all the tabloids make all their money?

  5. Not really, the Queen has no real say in anything, its just tradition that grants her the right to be the country's figurehead. The family really does in my opinion take advantage of their position, some for good, others not.

    But in ruling the country, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet are in charge now.

  6. Well thankfully we threw them out of the US 200+ years ago, so no, I don't think a family of inbreds are really worth it.  What is the purpose for them now? Just tradition?

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