
The Royal family's history?

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I know that all the Royal houses of Europe are all related. But I was wondering how far the current Queen can trace back her heritage to former English Monarchs? Does it go all the way back to WIlliam the Conqueror or does it end long before then?




  1. Long before then, to at least Ceawlin of Wessex (died c.593), who was possibly the grandson of Cerdic of Wessex.

  2. James I of England was King James VI of Scotland before his relative through his great grandfather (Elizabeth I) died and he took over.

    The present Queen and her family are therefore more Scottish far down the line than English.  

  3. She can trace her line back to William the Conqueror.  A bit of an issue arises regarding the noted genetic trait for hemophilia, which has been traced through Queen Victoria's descendants back to her (it afflicted, among others, her descendants in the Russian, Prussian and Spanish royal families).  It seems as though nobody knows where it came from....  

    The present queen was the first monarch since George I (German royal from Hanover) to have a significant amount of British ancestry.  Her late mother was born to a Scottish-English family, the Bowes-Lyon clan.  Prior to this the family was very German for generations.

  4. Their all a bunch of imposter's and should have their heads chopped off immediately.


  5. At least back to Fergus McErc King of Dalriada in the 6th Century, possibly earlier through Irish mythology.

  6. Her Majesty is 38th in direct line of descent from Egbert (c. 775-839), King of Wessex from 802 and of England 827 to 839.

    She is the fortieth monarch since William I (William the Conqueror), and also the great-great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria.

    At there is a history section where you can trace the Queen's family tree.

  7. It ends long before that.

    The present royal family have German heritage from the 17th century

    Before that it was a mixture of Dutch,Scottish and Welsh monarchs and before that the monarchs of England were all French until you get back to Harold who was killed by William the Conqueror.

    Anybody who was alive in 1066 could have literally many thousands of descendants by today.

    It could be me or you who should be on the throne of England

  8. I'm pretty sure it goes back to William the Conqueror.

  9. IDK.

  10. Here is a family tree tracing the royals from Alfred the Great (799AD) to Queen Elizabeth II (now...obviously).

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