
The Royal family- the British perspective?

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Hi, I'm doing a research on what the British think about the Royal family. It would be great if all you British out there (preferably those of you who are aged somewhere between 17 and 30) could help by giving your opinion on the Royal family. Do you respect them? Are you proud of them? Do you think they are good representatives of your culture, way of life, mentality ...? Do you think that their function is as important today as it was during the past centuries? How necessary are they for the British? What would you change about them? And on a more personal note, I'd like to know who you admire the most among all former monarchs who ruled England; to what extent, and why do you admire them?

I'd really appreciate you answering these questions, or just writing a line or two, explaining how you feel about the Royals. Thank you loads!

Take care;)





  1. I'm too old for your sample but generally I don't think the British as a whole bother much about the Royal family. Some may resent the cost of them but most aren't bothered. They are just there, and provide fodder for the gossip columns. Unless of course they are Express readers and really care about what happened to Diana, but even then I think those numbers are dwindling.

    Personally I respect the Queen, Charles and Anne, but I wouldn't cross the street for any of them.

    Past English Rulers? Elizabeth definitely. A strong woman in a man's world.

  2. They are a waste of time,money,and space.

  3. I like the Royal Family - my favourite current Royal is Prince Harry - they keep themselves very busy and only cost us about 60 odd pence a year. Obviously they are not as important as in previous centuries because they used to rule an Empire where as now they are more of a symbol. I would be proud I met The Queen.

    I would probably go with Queen Elizabeth as my favourite former Monarch - despite the fact she was Protestant - she had a tough up bringing with her mother being beheaded and all but she went on to rule England through a so called 'Golden Age'.

  4. I really like having the Royal Family,I am proud that we still have them. We are losing our identity too much at the moment,and where would Britain be with out them, just another American State.

  5. I'm too old to be in your survey, but I must comment on the person who said they were a waste of taxpayers money.  If we had an elected head of state, he or she would not cost us any less than the royal family do.  Probably more.  So we wouldn't save any money by not having them.

  6. Me and everyone else i have ever met feel they are a complete waste of time and money. Im 24 male living about 30 miles outside of london

  7. Too old for your needs but you should know that they are indeed German apart from Phil (the Greek!), who actually has become a liability seeming to believe that the rest of the world will accept his embarrassing, racist comments because he's royal.

    They are in fact undereducated fools that spend half their lives wearing uniforms that they have not earned like life's some big fancy dress party and they're always the guests of honour.

    They hunt and shoot what they have no intention of or cannot eat for the fun of torturing something (no longer allowed to torture the peasants, don't you know), and in fact are only where they are because many, many generations ago their families happened to be better at being murdering bast*rds than others were.

    The queen is only in the position she's in because her uncle abdicated yet is accepting of a system that says boys take the line of succession unless there are none then a girl can do the job. The royal family and the Catholic church get away with this though the law changed for 'everyone else' as far as this rampant discrimination which no longer worked in the world as it is today ( except perhaps you need a 'willy' to conduct a wedding or wear a crown!!!).

    I'm not Catholic so apart from general disgust I cannot change their bahaviour if my country's lawmakers decide to let this continue, but as for the royals, they apparently cost 60p for every person in the country to keep. My husband and I would like our £1.20 back please.

    Vive la Revolution.

  8. 27 british female

    i think they are a waste of money and a waste of space. The Royal Family does not serve the same purpose as it did years ago. Instead we end up with them plastered over the papers - harry drunk again and zara with another piercing - whoppie dooo.

  9. Hello, I must say that I do respect the Royal Family. I'm proud of them because they're representative of our tradition and culture.

    I've been to Brazil, recently, and they are well known and respected in far away South America.I guess Britain wouldn't be the same without them, although their function isn't that important. I do respect the Queen, but I 'd like to see Charles and Camilla take over, because I'm a little bit annoyed of the same Queen for such long years, although I'm only 25.

    I know Camilla wouldn't be the Queen, but that's just a formal situation, because as wife of The King, she'll be treated as one, she won't have the tittle, but she'll have the status.

    Monarchy is the symbol of Britain and the brits as well.

  10. One of the arguments in Canada for keeping the monarchy is that they do differentiate us from Americans(no offense intended)

    I have a great deal of respect for the Royal;l family--for people who criticize the expense why don't you look it up> I would tell you but I don't want to embarrass you

    before criticizing any one how about you look at your own family would you be able to take such scrutiny?

    Before saying anything unpleasant please look into it to see if it is true

    My unenlightened sister in law feel that because Canada has the queen on some of our money and taxes are taken in The name of the queen that we actually ship the money off to England

    who do you have more respect for

    The Queen or George Bush

    Paris Hilton or the Prince of Whales?

  11. Firstly, they are German..

    We do not respect them are so embrassed by them and don't see the point of them in the modern age..the French and Russians had the right idea....

  12. It's hard to actually see the effects of the Royal family, but they do provide some useful functions (nowhere near enough to justify the massive amounts of free stuff and money they get). They do a lot of charity work (again, not enough considering the amount of money they have), but apart from that they are basically a tourist attraction.

    Apparently they did a lot for the country in the War, going out and meeting the people, keeping their spirits up and so forth, according to my grandparents anyway.

    I find it hard to admire someone who has no special talents, sub-par intelligence, and who was merely born into a life of power and riches. Maybe someone with a better knowledge of history can correct me, but I believe British monarchs have tended to hurt this country more than help it. Scottish monarchs on the other hand...

    PS. Watch out using England and Britain as interchangeable terms, they are very different things as I'm sure others will point out.

  13. Wasting tax payers money. Hahaha.

    People cleary havent done your homework.

    Here is an example in 2003-04 the royal family cost 40 million thats everything staffing, state visits, public engagements, and official entertainment and Property Services for the royal palace. Now in tourism and merchandise etc. they made for the country 170 million.

    They are just a figure head and dont have any real power now where is the logic in getting rid of them?

  14. Inbred waste of space!

  15. I think an interest in them will pick up when the next in line takes over. The queens been there for over 50 years, we're bored of her, we just see the monachy led by an old lady and it does seem a bit pointless, i think they'll become more popular when William takes over, nobody likes Charles, but people will see Diana in William and be proud of the monachry again

    I'd like them to stay, i'm not sure why, i know they don't have much purpose as rulers of the country anymore but i just hate the thought of britain being like america, and the monarchy is very symbolic as being british

  16. thier a waste of the tax payers money,

    lets face it,what do they actually do?


  17. I quite like the royal family..they're a bit outdated yes but some traditions are worth holding onto to differentiate ourselves again from everywhere else.

    Most of them do a good job promoting the country and acting as figureheads.

    As to whether they represent our culture i would say no. They never have. They've always been 'apart' from the normal man on the'd never see the queen riding around town on a bike like the Dutch or Danish monarchs do but when all is said and done they act as ceremonial and traditional figureheads of the Nation.

    If i could change anything i'd get rid of the 'extended' family..the duke and duchess of kent spring to mind..this lot seem to be parasitic and are rarely seen in public or doing good things to promote the country so i think they are a waste of time.

    Ultimately though for a cost of only 62 pence (approx $1.00) per person per year to keep them i think it's good value for money and gives us an unusual sense of identity and consistency in an ever changing world.

  18. Other than the Queen,The rest are a bunch of scroungers who do not contribute to the country.Do the Princes William and Harry believe the country is worth fighting for?.No!Instead of going to Iraq and Afganistan with their regiment;They are  living it up in the night clubs!!How will they look their comrades fully in the face when they return.After the Queen lets have a democratic vote Royalty or Republic!!

  19. i'm definatley a 'for Queen and country' man.

    Favourite monarch of the past, probably Henry V as he gave the 2 fingers to the french at agincourt! God Bless Him :)

  20. Life would be very boring without our Royal family: all the celebrations and scandals associated with them keep everyone entertained.

    Some of them, especially the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh, work incredibly hard. I can't think of many other 80-plus year olds with their stamina and willingness to open boring factories and meet boring councillors etc every other day.

    Long live the Royal family I say, and that includes Prince Charles.

  21. I am British, only 15 though.

    I have to say that I do respect the Royal family. They've been through a lot yet never let down the Brittish public.

    Am I proud of them? I'd say so, people from all over the world know about them and like I've said they have a good reputation.

    I do not think they represent the Brittish way of life, however. They seem to reinforce the stereotype of tea drinking, well spoken 'nice' people. If you came to the UK, you would soon see that this is not the case at all.

    I don't think their function is important really, I don't know what all they do, but it would appear to not be much and therefore I think Britain could and would survive without them. It would be a shame if we didn't have a Royal Family though, as they are true pillars of our society.

    I admire them all, as they all try to keep Britain presented well, which isn't always easy in this day and age!

  22. They are outdated , obsolete . and should all abdicate and get real jobs. I saw in the media [a royal correspondent] recently that it involves 6 people every time the queen goes to the toilet. FACT [ not a joke] . Other countries who have dispensed with their royal families , make far more financial revenue by opening up all their castles and stately homes than when they are occupied.

  23. No opinion, at all.

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