
The Russia/Georgia Conflict

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i am a little confused about russia mobilizing in South Ossentia. Is russia backing the rebels or are they helping Georgia quash the rebellion. i have read some articles but i cant wrap my head around it.




  1. They are backing the rebels (South Ossetians), who wants to unite with North Ossetians which is a Russian territory.

  2. Georgia is trying to bring the breakaway province (South Ossetian) back into its fold. The Russians, on the other hand, appear to be supporting the breakaway province through the use of tanks and aircraft...but they claim its all in the name of 'peacekeepers.' Many Russians live in the breakaway province and Putin (Prime Minister) is declaring support to the Russian citizens living there.

    the Problem is that Russia has violated Georgia's sovereign territory and is weighing in on the internal conflict. but they're doing nothing more than the US and their coalition forces are doing in Iraq, ie, violating (right or wrong) another country's sovereign space.

    Russia is also pissed that Georgia is requesting admission into NATO, something seen in their eyes as going over to the 'dark side of the force' so to speak.

  3. I want the US to back Georgia what Russia is doing is total bull....

  4. u always have to worry about the filter of the media.  i can't trust what the media tells me anymore so i don't want to jump to any conclusions too quickly.  hopefully the bull can be cut through and we end up finding out the truth.

  5. backing the rebels

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