
The Russia/Georgia war: why is that important to the rest of the world?

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Politically what are the ramifications for the rest of the World? How will or can this affect the United States (who, of course always has to meddle in everything)? How can this possibly lead to World War 3?




  1. Cuz Russia's got nukes and lots of it.

  2. Vanga expected, that 3 world war will begin in 2010...

    Prepare, now all only begins...  

  3. The world. You deceive! World mass media conduct propagation of a false information. Russia DID NOT ATTACK Georgia! 07.08.2008 at 22:00 Georgia has attacked South Ossetia. At 3:30 08.08.2008 tanks of the Georgian armies have entered into city Tskhinvali. Artillery bombardment all the day long proceeded, fights with use of tanks and heavy combat material, both against ossetic armies, and against peace inhabitants were conducted. 2000 civil people already were lost. The Russian peacemakers have arrived to South Ossetia in the evening 08.08.2008 for settlement of the conflict and prompting of the world in republic and protection of the Russian citizens living on territory of South Ossetia. Georgia has attacked South Ossetia on eve of Olympiad, it is top of cruelty and cynicism. We shall tell is not present to WAR!!!

  4. Looks like Saakashvili is on his own now. He failed, and US is not going to pay for mistakes of puppets.

    Personally, I doubt russian forces would  go any further in Georgia (stay in Ossetia, inside peace-keepers'  zone of responsibility). They are trying to look good themselves and blame Saakashvili for crimes against humanity. However, there is another force in region - Abkhaz (Apsny). Another separatist region / unrecognized state depends on point of view. They might use moment of Georgian war machine weakness and cut some disputed lands.

  5. Well, Russia is a major power in the world. If it can just go around maiming other countries with no repercussions, its other neighbors (lots of countries) will start to fret, potentially destabilizing the entire region, which has far reaching consequences.

  6. if Russia will win, then other countries will lose the war, like Georgia, so it will be dangerous for other countries

  7. The world. You deceive! World mass media conduct propagation of a false information. Russia DID NOT ATTACK Georgia! 07.08.2008 at 22:00 Georgia has attacked South Ossetia. At 3:30 08.08.2008 tanks of the Georgian armies have entered into city Tskhinvali. Artillery bombardment all the day long proceeded, fights with use of tanks and heavy combat material, both against ossetic armies, and against peace inhabitants were conducted. 1400 civil people already were lost. The Russian peacemakers have arrived to South Ossetia in the evening 08.08.2008 for settlement of the conflict and prompting of the world in republic and protection of the Russian citizens living on territory of South Ossetia. Georgia has attacked South Ossetia on eve of Olympiad, it is top of cruelty and cynicism. We shall tell is not present to WAR!!!

  8. one word, OIL

    half of the crude oil comes from that area in the world. It is cared in a pipe line from russia/iran to port city, etc.  

  9. There is a pipeline that runs through that area of the world that actually carries 1 percent of the world oil. Secondly, Georgia is a very pro western nation that is looking to join NATO. They threw their hat in the ring with Western Europe and the US. Georgia has the third largest contingent in Iraq that is how important Georgia sees it's future with the West. It doesn't matter what the US wants. The US is stretched to the limit in Iraq and Afghanistan and the EU doesn't have the onions or the military to face the Russians. Sometimes, the bad guys win. This is one of those times.

    Oh, and as to WW3, it won't happen. The Georgians will totally withdraw from South Ossetia, the Russians will either annex it or the South Ossetians will declare "independence" with the full backing of their Russian allies. Either way, it's a win for the Russians.

    To all of the pro russians here, South Ossetia is Georgian Territory. South Ossetia declared independence in 1992 but has not been officially recognized. Basically, the Georgians tried to get it back and are now paying for it.

  10. Because look at it Germany before ww2 staarted invading countries in 1935 and now the Russians are invading little countries that no one really cares about(witch is what the Germans did) we should make a stand and push the Russians back and if they see us coming to our allies aid as an act of war than so be it we could fight them but I want us to do like whatt we did in the first gulf war and push the Russians back.

  11. Well let's see.  

    The US has made Georgia their special little "ally" in the region, complete with military trainers and god know what else.  They want Georgia to be part of NATO.

    Georgia used to be part of Russia.  Parts of Georgia would like to be parts of Russia again.  Georgia's president decided to bomb and invade some of those parts the other day.

    Suppose Russia starts asking the US, say, what the heck you been telling this boy exactly?  

    Suppose Russia starts looking a little closer look at the whole "pre emptive war thing," the whole "5 years and counting in Iraq" thing.  The whole, let's just put the whole trillion on our master card" thing.  

    Suppose they look at the US having its forces scattered all over that whole region just over there.  Tied down you might say.  And how the whole US economy is is about as robust as McCain's prostate.  

    Well I guess it just depends on how crazy and stupid some people can be.  And I guess you could say we've done OUR part.  

  12. Because Georgia is sending troops to Iraq in hopes that when Russia comes in guns blazing, uncle Sam will hold the bears at bay.

  13. This can lead to a WW3 by Russia taking over Georgia, then NATO steps in and says,"No,No." Then Russia says, "Up yours." There we have it. LMAO

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