
The Russians plan to rehabilitate the Csar family... Will the Romanov family get back on the crown?

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The Russians plan to rehabilitate the Csar family... Will the Romanov family get back on the crown?




  1. Ummm, regardless of the veracity of this rumor, weren't all the Romanovs murdered in 1917?  Who they gonna make Csar?

  2. NO

  3. do i look like i give a **** about Russia

  4. In the early 1990s, when the nearest blood relative to the Czar was asked to come back to Russia, he replied that he would rather stay where he was as the Mayor of Palm Beach, Florida. The Russian Orthodox Church (in part) has been resurrected, but too much time and tragedy has occurred since 1917 to ever bring back the Romanovs.

    BTW, its Duke of Edinburgh.

  5. I don't believe there are any plans to reinstate the Imperial Family.

    However, should it happen eventually, the question would be: who would inheirt the Throne?

    The immediate family was murdered, the other decendants are disputing claims. Most commonly acknowledged Head of the Imperial Family is Granc Duchess Maria Vladimirovna.

    Check this Wikipedia article, it gives a rather great inside on the situation inside the Imperial Family.

  6. No!!!

  7. The Russians do not plan to restore the imperial royal family  

  8. The have Lenin's stiff  stuffed... why give up trying?...  

  9. I know for a long time now, that the plans for re-install the Russian Csar family are on the agenda of the Russian government.

    Many people in Russia do now understand that what happened in 1918 was the biggest mistake ever made.

    I know the time was very unclear recession everywhere,  WWI, etc.

    People thought supporting Communism could change the world, could change life of the mob.

    But if we look at the 90 years of history of communism and what came after, it became not better.

    Not only in Russia government is debatting about re-installing Monarchy, also in France.

  10. well i know that there is people who consider them self the next in line to be the next czar but I don't believe Russia will ever allow this to happen.

  11. All of the Romanovs were murdered in 1917 or 18.A few years ago The Duke of Edinborough was asked to give a blood sample to verify that the remains of the Romanov family were actually theirs and it proved positive.Prince Phillip would appear to be their nearest blood relative as he is descended from Queen Victoria as was the murdered Tsar and his wife the Tsarina Alexandria.Hope this helps.

  12. The entire Romanov family was murdered by the Bolsheviks.There is no Romanov family to reinstate.The closest living,I believe,the Grand Duke Vladimir,who lives in the u.s.a.

    Edit......You seem to dislike any factual answers and give thumbs down to anyone,that doesn't give the answer that you would like to hear.Ok I will give you what you wnt to hear.As soon as science is capable,of putting flesh onto the skeletal remains of the Imperial Romanov family,There may be a snowballs chance in h**l,that they will be reinstated.There,is that better?

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