
The SAM Alarm in a fight jet?

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i just watched the movie "Behind Enemy Lines" (from 2001).

in the beginning when the 2 pilots are on reconnaissance mission and they get locked by the AA tank the alarm in the jet goes of, called SAM Alarm. what does the short form SAM stand for?




  1. "SAM" = Surface to Air Missile.  Actually what locked them up and launched on them was an SA-13.  The system that let them know was a Radar Warning Receiver (RWR).  The RWR detected the SA-13's range-only-radar, determined its type, and plotted an estimated position on the backseater's display.  Typically, it looks not unlike a radar display with the area around the jet broken into sectors.  Each threat will have its own symbol (to make it easier to scan and pick up the most threatening system); also closer to the center, the more dangerous the system(s) is/are.

    The typical sequence is search-track-fire: for radar SAMs (and air/air missiles) the characteristics of the radar changes during the sequence.  Obviously I or Owen Wilson, are more worried about a radar locking on/shooting than one still searching.  Even so, the most important key to survival is getting visual on the launch/missile.  You'll remember Owen is watching for launches and telling the pilot how to maneuver-entirely accurate.

    Their actions were spot on:  maneuver to change their velocity vector, and altitude simultaneously, while dispensing flares: the SA-13's an IR missile.  If it were a radar missile they would be dropping chaff, which is strips of anodized aluminum cut to 1/2 wavelength of the most common threat radars.

  2. SAM stands for surface to air missile. however such a voice information would not appear in a real plane, it only appears in the movie planes to make it clear what the threat is.

    The real plane would simply designate the heading and type of locking device, and give a warning sound if missile believed to be launched.

  3. SAM is short for Surface to Air Missile.

  4. surface to air missile

  5. Surface to Air Missile.

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