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Has anyone heard of the secret--the law of attractioin, do any of you believe in it, have you put it into practice and has it worked?




  1. I absolutely believe in it!  I manifested an amazing job by using the secret.  I bought the book on CD and I listen to it every week so that it really sinks in.  This is amazing.  I have attracted thing in my life that I never dreamed possible before.  I recommend it to everyone!

  2. Yes I believe it and do my best to do it.  It works when I do it well enough.  Blessed be.

  3. Read Radical Forgiveness by Colin C. Tipping

  4. It is based on positive thinking...which does work.  HOWEVER, positive thinking alone won't work the way the author of that book claims it will, unless there is appropriate action taken on your part to go along with all your positive thoughts.  Remember,   God helps those who help themselves.

  5. attracts money to the author

  6. Ive heard of it and I believe it whole heartly. Our thoughts are eneregtic frequencies that attract things, people, situations of the same energetic calibration. A good book to read is called Power vs. Force by david Hawkins. It talks about the same thing and gives you a tool you can use to answer questions.

  7. I live my life by that law.....

    In fact, I even have a goal book (it's sitting right here next to me right now!) I have seventy goals so far written down in this notebook. Some are as simple as, "Graduate High school, Get into a University, Join the swim team......" And others are more like, "Explore the Nile, visit Antarctica, Skydive, Visit Italy....."

    I plan on reaching every single one of these goals before I die...all I have to do is want them bad enough, and they'll come to me. It's the law of attraction...simple as that.

    It's worked for me....I wish I had time to tell u all the stories, but you'd be blown away.

    Read the book, watch the's life chancing.

  8. An amazing book, doesn't invovle religon, anyone can read it, & it's all true, it really is. I was amazed, & everything in my life became a little bit clearer on why things were. It doesn't explain the menaing of life or anything like that but talks on how the universe is like a genin, & how to attarcth ANYTHING to your life, love, money, books, to meet a person, to have a pet, anything you want, it'll be attartched to you, & this book teaches you how! I recommend it not as a reader but one who has experience the power of the law of attartction... ^-^
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