
The SPCA took our dog? Please help me?

by  |  earlier

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We moved to Surrey Vancouver, and brought our dog(Max) with us, but we had to return back to more of our furniture and all so we had our uncle keep him.. but than my brother came and took Max to our house until he was staying and he ddint have him on a leash.. so they took and they want to charge $65 which we are willing to pay but they need papers from the last time we took him to the vet, and we don't have them.. and all these other things and we can't get them from the vet because it shut down a few weeks ago, and I'm scared that they'll kill him.

And we can't get there right away because it takes a day and a half.. What can I do?




  1. Be sure SPCA knows you want your dog back and tell them when you can pick him up.  I'm sure they will work with you. After all they're there to find homes for pets and what better home that the one he came from. Find out exactly what the $65 is for---probably to vaccinate him and test him.  If you cannot obtain his medical records from a local clinic, explain this to SPCA.  Perhaps vaccinating him again will do no harm, but again, ask the SPCA.  As long as it doesn't harm him, I'd rather have the SPCA duplicate the vaccination and worm checks than to lose him. Whatever it takes to get him back home with you.

  2. the aspca will not take your dog from you for mistreating him and then offer him back at a price, so dont  feel bad for what that other person said. as for the rest, that truly sux and i have no answer, sorry and good luck getting your buddy back

  3. Wow, they took the dog because he didn't have a leash? Thats strict. Usually they just write a citation and you pay a fine. Did you tell them the vet shut down? Maybe they will be able to get the information from them, being another agency. The best way to resolve the issue it to talk to someone in charge at the SPCA and explain your situation and give as much information as you can regarding the Vet.

    They are not going to put your dog down as long as you are trying to get it back, so just relax about that and focus on getting the necessary paperwork to get your dog back.  

  4. there not going to kill hima nd u hasd to have done something bad for them to take him away like abuse or leaving it out to stareve or something like that but they will put it on for adoption.

  5. They're asking for the papers as proof that your dog has had the shots it requires. They can't release a dog that hasn't been shot because its a danger to the population of S.V..

    If you paid for the visits with a credit card, try and get the statement from the card and attempt to present that as proof.

    Also, attempt to call your vets home number (search it through the phone book) and tell him/her of the situation at hand and ask if you can have the medical records.

    Inform them that the vet has shut down and you have no access to the papers that are required to get him back.

  6. Contact the SPCA and make sure they will hold your dog until you can get there. Oftentimes, when Veterinary Practices close down, they keep medical records, so you may want to try contacting them to see if they still have them. If the phone has been disconnected, you could also try contacting Emergency Vet Clinics in the area, to see if they know anything about the medical records.

    It's important to always keep all medical information for your pets, just in case incidents like this occur. If you cannot show proof that your dog has been vaccinated, you may be fined an additional amount, and be required to have the dog vaccinated. I'm not sure of the laws in Surrey Vancouver, but those are the laws in my area.

    Best of luck.

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