
The Same Statement from several different Mexican men,About Black women Do you agree??

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We were talking about Black women with different Mexican & they said "They do have a Big Butt" How come he did not include his preciuos Mexican women?Several have told me this.these men are from Mexico.




  1. Mexican women or gringas rarely have big booties on regular sized women

  2. are you kidding me ?

    I'm Chicana and I've lived in Mexico,

    Mexican men are crazy over "gringas" or

    "las bolias" (it means white girls in spanish),

    I am not fair skinned but I have a medium-toned skin color,

    somewhat like J.Lo but  maybe one or two shades lighter...

    Las Fresas (the preppy rich girls with not necessarily blond hair and blue eyes but most of them do-the Spaniard blood ) are the girls every  guy including Men wants.

    Chicano men are not physically attracted to black women, it has to do with preference not race and ALOT to do witht the way they were raised !

    Black men have been nothing but cool with me, but I am not attracted to them, although I met ALOT of good looking brothers, I prefer a Chicano because Mexicans are raised to have Brown Pride and Viva La Raza stuff, so growing up I looked upon every Chicano man as a "father figure" or someone that can be my guider, you know that come on ?! Mexicans are raised to look upon other Mexicans as other beautiful people that go throught the same Mexican discrimination and we feel a bond that is undescribable, we both have Mexican parents, we've been to Mexico, we speak with the same Spanish accent, we grew u with family gatherings and spanish music and Classic Rock music. Chicanos love that Classic Rock stuff ! Santana and Ritchie Valens made a living out of it ...

    Chicanos are very close to their families, I know I'm not a teen anymore, but my mom is still my pride and joy, I still want to make her proud till this day !!!

    I grew up in a broken home, and my father wasn't around us growing up, but i don't hate him or blame him !

    Most of us have strong faith in God !

    We are FUNNY !

    I like making my white and black friends laugh ALL the time,

    I'm femenine and I respect myself but I know how to have fun with good laughs!

    I am a very good writer and with poems and stuff, right now my grammar usage isn't all that great but I'm typing fast !

    I feel closer to a Mexican because we are able to have an emotional and mental connection far greater than any race that leads to a VERY GOOD physical connection.Color or race has NOTHING to do with it , NOTHING !

    I never seen a Mexican head over heels for a black woman, only a white woman or another Hispanic nationality,

    but if you say so.......

    ..well, you have to be a real Mexican in order to know this

  3. Butt fixation eh?

  4. go into mexico, you will find what ever you want big, small, tall. short, fine, s**y, fat skinny,Red, black, brown, blonde, hair, dark darker,white.

  5. Lay off the questions about Mexican women's butts you freak! You ain't nevah gonna get no Mexican booty. Mexican women have a fixation on large male members BTW. Maybe that's why none have a fixation on you!

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