
The San Diego Zoo said Unicorns do not exist. Does this make you believers mad?

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I live in Los Angeles, and there are billboards all over for the San Diego Zoo. There is one with a Griffin, and one with a Unicorn. At the bottom of the billboard it reads: "If they are not here, then they don't exist". I am not saying that I don't believe. They just found a deer with one horn in the middle of it's head. There are wails that are unicorns. Look at the rhinos. Yes it is just hair, but I still don't want to get poked with it. I believe in Bigfoot, and aliens. I have never seen one, but I still believe. People believe in God, and have never seen him. So what is the zoo saying. That everything you believe in is a lie. So does this make you mad?




  1. no i believe in many things people at that zoo can say what they like b/c it's their choice. there are many animals that aren't there but that doesn't mean they don't exist

  2. Unicorns, like griffens, mermaids, orcs, hobbits, gods, etc. do not exist. Life might be more interesting if they did, but they don't.

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