
The Saudi Lady?

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WHY is it so common that you find Saudi lady expect everything from her husband from recruiting house maids to bringing driver and also pay for both ..He is also expected to take care of the house and solve all household find also so common that maids cook and take care for the children.then wife is to do little ,,,What happen?Is this what Islam is all about?what kind of future you expect to generations to come ,being brought in such a mess?




  1. how can  we solve  this  problems.

    and  so  on.

  2. None of the women in my husband's family have servants.  They do things themselves and my older nieces(13 and 9) help out my mother in law and their mothers with the household chores and taking care of the smaller children.  My brother in law has a servant from Indonesia but he needed her because his wife was very sick when she gave birth and couldn't do anything. I think the servant will be going home this year.    I agree though lots of Saudi women are materialistic and don't know how to do anything anymore because they have servants doing everything for them.

  3. i guess this is how they grew up thinking.

  4. yes a lot do, but some of us (myself) do not want domestic help.. I feel really odd having someone not of my own country, my own culture, my own language, my own beliefs, in my home 24/7 and raising my kids..

    If I cant do it myself, then so be it.. It will eventually get done. My house is clean and my children are fine... When I need to go out for a meeting or whatnot, they go stay with friends or relatives.. Like it should be..... My husband or inlaws drive me where I need to go, or I just hire a taxi to get there..

    but I know your point.. many of my friends tease me and think im beneath them somehow that I dont get myself a maid.. Its like a social status symbol.. And I feel why waste my hard earned money on a maid when I can do this myself and save a buck to spend on my own family... ..Also this whole maid issue started back about 20 or so years ago when the oil boom hit.. Everyone's income and life style got dramatically improved. so in came the domestic help.. So the children of that era in the 70's and 80's all were raised by the new domestic help.. They are spoiled, the boys are not men and the girls are not women, in the sense that they never learned how to cook or clean cause the maid did it all.. So now when they have reached marrying age, their poor prospective husbands only have the choice of getting a wife along with a maid cause she surely cant cook or clean for him.  What ever happened to the elder daughter or cousins, grandma etc that helped take care of babysitting, cleaning, cooking etc? Well soon enough when the oil boom runs out, We saudi women will have to learn the hard way to get back to basics and cook and clean. this wont last forever.. I forsee this so therefore I will teach my two children all the basics I learned.. i dont want to send my daughter to a marriage where she cant do diddly...

  5. don't generalize plz

  6. Oh certainly , the future generation of saudi folks is destined to be doomed.....where kids are being brought-up by maids....mothers busy shopping and eating busy fidning another wife/gf or perhaps if hez seeking a temp fling he will head to dubai or bahrain lol Saudi lol lol

    I just cant stop myself from laughing thinking abt the future of this gen lol they are all A*S H**ES

  7. ......its because men is the master of their own household so it means he has the capacity to solve certain issue. Women are there to support him or to put grudge on him.....lolz

  8. I somewhat agree with Mintea.  However, I have seen a significant Paradigm shift with more women entering the work place.  The place I work has initiated a major program to hire Saudi Women.  The change in attitude appears to be the woman feels she is a contributor and strong individual as opposed to being "supported or kept".

  9. give them chance to work...


  10. Hahahaha

    Im not married yet so im staying out of this one.... see what my wife's nationality is going to be, then chose the side im going to be on :P

  11. I think you question is misdirected... Why would any woman marry and be the man's maid or cook. Cooking and cleaning should not be reserved for the woman? If the cooking and cleaning can be outsourced, and the family can afford to do so... then let it be. At least it creates employment for those doing the cooking and cleaning!
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