
The Scarlet Letter..Help?!?

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I need to write an essay explaining how Hawthorne portrays evil and good in this novel. My teacher said to notice how some things (people) that appear good are more evil and vice versa. could anyone give me some examples and explain them to me?! thanks!




  1. My sister read this book for her junior year in highschool...

    She used Spark Notes...

    I'm not rly sure how much I helped, I've never read it

  2. Ask the experts:  


          Comparison Compare Contrast Essays -- Struggle between Good and ...

          The struggle of good and evil is shown in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, which portrays the spiritual battle between and evil ...

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          Nature in the scarlet letter Essay

          Starting The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a book that contains much ... of light and darkness to help portray good and evil in society. ...

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          Secrets of the Scarlet Letter by =Mattiello on deviantART

          Through revelations and admissions such as this, Hawthorne portrays Pearl ... letter A in the Scarlet Letter conveys an understanding of good within evil. ...

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          NovelGuide: The Scarlet Letter: Theme Analysis

          The Scarlet Letter is a story that illustrates intricate pieces of the Puritan ... good vs. evil, but all of these combined to make a strikingly historical ...

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          The Scarlet Letter is a wonderful and not so traditional example of the good versus evil theme. What makes this a unique instance of good versus evil is ...

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          Key Elements of "The Scarlet Letter" - Associated Content

          Oct 3, 2007 ... Perhaps one of the most significant values that can be found in The Scarlet Letter is the simple battle of good versus evil. ...

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          Good Versus Evil Free Term Papers, Free Research Papers, and Free ...

          Conflict In The Scarlet Letter ... Hester's illegitimate daughter, depicts the .... Beowulf Good Vs Evil Analysis [ Partner Essay ] ... dragon portray the ...

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          Christian Imagery in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

          ... to The Scarlet Letter" of his earliest paternal ancestor in America William Hathorne as one who "had all the Puritanic traits, both good and evil"; ...

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          The Scarlet Letter Essays

          The symbolism of good and evil and the negative effect of Puritanism in "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Also, the literary techniques used by ...

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  3. well its like that and its like this.  i took her to the pad and we started to kiss, .......EAZY E were you ever caught slippin?  

  4. It's been a while since I read this, but is was the subject of a Final Thesis, so I hope I can help.  Consider the characters:

    Throughout the movie, Dimmsdale is portrayed as a man of God.  By the end, we discover the evil inside.

    Pearl was often called an imp by the townspeople, but was she really an evil character?

  5. I take it you have not read the book. Do so and it will all become clear as day to you. In case you are considering cheating with Spark Notes, just be aware that your teacher has seen all their stuff a thousand times before and probably knows it by heart by now.

  6. oh god i remember when i had to read scarlett letter. that book is a waste of time. use sparknotes.  

  7. I have not read The Scarlet Letter, but there are a number of on line study guides, and quite a few other resources on the Internet that can help you with this novel.  Most of them have good information.  Have a look at these sites, and you should get some help with your work.  If you do a search here in the Yahoo Answers search window you will find additional help because hundreds of questions have been asked here about The Scarlet Letter.

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