
The Second Child Survey?

by Guest65034  |  earlier

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If you are a mother of 2+ children, will you please take the time to answer a few questions for me? I'm about to have my second child, and before he comes along I would like to write an article (more of a journal entry) for my own personal amusement, and to find out a little bit more about what it may be like. Thank you to anyone who does this for me. I really appreciate it.

1. How old was your first child when the second one was born?

2. Do both children live with you (are they together full-time)?

3. Do you have a partner (boyfriend/husband) living with you who helps with the children, or do you do it alone?

4. How would you compair your experiences with your second child to your first? (Is it easier, harder, or about the same as it was with your first child?)

5. After having your second child, do you forsee yourself having more children in the future?

6. Before your second child, did you think you'd want more than two children total?

7. Do you work, are you a stay-at-home-mom, or do you stay home while the kids go to school/daycare?

If any of these questions seem too personal, feel free to leave it blank, even if you want to fill out the rest. And let me assure you, if anyone judges you by your answers, it won't be me.




  1. 1) 16 months

    2) yes

    3) yes

    4) a little harder - but worth it

    5) i have 4 - and well worth it


    7)I work at my kids' school, so I'm home when they are

  2. 1. How old was your first child when the second one was born? 23 months

    2. Do both children live with you (are they together full-time)? yes

    3. Do you have a partner (boyfriend/husband) living with you who helps with the children, or do you do it alone? fiancee`

    4. How would you compair your experiences with your second child to your first? (Is it easier, harder, or about the same as it was with your first child?) i think that my 2nd was easier (during labor) it seemed like she just fell out of me, i pushed for only 10 min and with my 1st it seemed like it took forever to get him out (30 min)

    5. After having your second child, do you forsee yourself having more children in the future? i would like to have more children at least another boy and girl, so that i could have 2 of each....

    6. Before your second child, did you think you'd want more than two children total? Yes, I've always wanted about 4 kids.

    7. Do you work, are you a stay-at-home-mom, or do you stay home while the kids go to school/daycare? I work, and i also want to pursue my education, i have an associates in office administration

  3. 1. 6

    2. yes

    3. husband

    4. easier

    5. maybe

    6. maybe

    7. stay-at-home-mom

  4. 1. 2 years

    2. Yes, all my children live at home with me.

    3. Yes my husband is here.

    4. I found it harder with each one because, obviously, it increased the workload. Instead of worrying about taking care of baby, i also had to worry about taking care of toddler at the same time. lol

    5. Yep, in fact, going to be having another soon.

    6. I didnt think i wanted children at all!! but it was a pleasant suprise to actually enjoy it.

    7. I stay home and raise the kids and take care of the home. that is my job. :)

  5. 1. My son was two when his baby brother was born.

    2. yes both of my boys live with me full time

    3. I am single mom been taking care both of them myself since the day they were born.

    4. My first son I had to work with him to gain weight. My second son was born with mild hearing loss and was sick alot when he was a baby. I wouldn't know for sure on that question.

    5. I wanted one more and I am pregnant with my third and final child.

    6. I always wanted three.

    7. I am stay home mom..

  6. 1. 23 months


    3.husband but he works alot

    4.easier you know more what to do


    6. didn't think about it

    7stay at home mom

    if you are having your 2nd child don't worrk it's not that bad

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