
The Skiing Lifestyle?

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Does skiing define your lifestyle, or is it something you just do as a hobby?

Feel free to elaborate.




  1. Skiing is our lifestyle until May.....then boating becomes our lifestyle.  My husband is luckier than me, he works nights.  I however, landscape for a I have the winters off.  (Maybe I am luckier)  We are completely are grown, we're still young.  We live 5 miles from the mountain and 20 miles from where we keep our boat.

  2. Skiing definitely defines my lifestyle.  I wear ski brand

    t-Shirts/clothes and live for weekends and school days when I can ditch a period or two to go catch a couple runs.  I spend all summer wishing it was winter and all winter wishing that we could have another ice age so I would never have to stop skiing.  By the end of August I'm about ready to kill myself because I cant wait for another 3 months to go skiing.  I try and satisfy my urge by longboarding because I think that its closer to skiing than even rollerblading is, but it just ends up making me want to go skiing more.  By september, when its starting to frost over, I start a countdown to the day the resorts open.  I'm up there on opening day (whether my parents know it or not) hitting up the 4-5 groomers that are all the runs that open at the start of the season.  There is nothing I would rather do than ski.  I would give my left nut (and a lot more) to be able to ski for a living like my heroes do.

  3. During the winter I spend much of my free time skiing. I have been skiing since 1972 and average 30-40 ski days per year. This year the ski area I go to has a new scanning system where they can count the number of runs you take and at last count I had 300 runs this season. My personal goal is to retire in a few years and spend my winters in the Watsach Mtns. I guess it is more than a hobby for me.

  4. I started skiing for the first time last week. I am totally hooked! I bought some K2s the other day and am waiting to get them back from being mounted. Skiing is something I do as a hobby. It is a great way to get some exercise, while having loads of fun at the same time. I wish I discovered skiing earlier in the season - I hope the snow won't melt too soon, I'd like to get in some skiing with my new skis!

    I really do love skiing. It's a new found passion of mine. I just wish winter would last for at least another 3 months!!!

    Happy skiing y'all.

  5. Skiing is part of my lifestyle.  It defines my lifestyle in winter. When the weather gets warmer, I go kayaking and watch baseball.  Glad I have things to keep me 'busy' all year round.

  6. Skiing is a lifestyle for me. I ski all day everyday during the winter, I live in a ski town. I ski 250+ days a year in both summer and winter. When I am not skiing I am doing something to improve my skiing. I plan on going pro in skiing and I don't mean being a ski instructor I am talking international circuits. I live and breathe for skiing.

  7. I think it's more of a hobby. I don't spend all my time skiing (though i would like to xD). If your a professional then it may be a different story. I don't think people make much a living off of skiing so i would call Skiing more of a hobby

  8. Skiing can be thought of as whatever you that is the beauty of the sport. People like you and me will rip up a huge line and it inspires those who choose to make it a hobby. If you ski from the soul and not the sponsors and all that crud you can find any answer that isn't a fact and in fact could be fiction. I dream of freedom with no sponsors and money just skiing all day and no worries, it was better than anything i have ever felt. It is what you want it to be. It is my lifestyle not surfing not skating not hiking just skiing,

  9. Both, skiing does influence my lifestyle but at the same time it is just a recreation for me & it's sort of one of my favorite hobbies.

    Since my skiing is done in the winter months; it becomes a large part of my winter lifestyle since it can dictate my entire lifestyle during the winter. In other words, when I'm trying to plan ski trips, my whole schedule will revolve around being able to make time for a ski trip.

    When it's off season for skiing, my ski equip. is stored away for the season & I rarely think of it---even as a hobby. The only time it crosses my mind during the summer months is when I try t stay in shape by excercising year round so I don't start the ski season out of shape.

    Write back & let me know what you've been up to. I haven't heard from you for awhile & you said your ski areas are closing soon.


  10. There is no lifestyle besides skiing, I've been doing it since the late 50's, and am still teaching actively full time this year. The long season does start to burn out the staff, and 20-30 students a day has some of them being a replay of yesterday.  Our area will go until sometime in April full time and part time weekends for another month.

  11. Skiing is definently a lifestyle.  I am 16 years old and I leave my house every winter weekend from Thanksgiving to late April to go drive 4 hours to go skiing. Why do I this is a question many of my friends or boyfriends have asked?  Its because I love it and to get to a great mountain from southeast PA takes time.  At our mountain patrollers earn free seasons passes for their familys so thats where we go.  Skiing is not just a hobby its a part of my life. It has allowed me to make friends with people from all over the northeast.  Its a lifestyle because it takes up a huge part of my life but i wouldnt have it any other way.
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