
The Socialist Party calls on the Government to clarify whether the Police mediated by Barcenas

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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The PSOE requests the Government to clarify what was the work of the Ministry of Interior in relation to a letter sent to the Director General of Police, Ignacio CosidÃ_ by Alfonso Trallero then attorney Luis Barcenas, which suggests that this UDEF perform a new report of proceedings to remove the nickname Louis the b*****d - contained notes on several accounting firms plot GÃ_rtel.

The main opposition party has presented a set of written questions that explanations Executive extesorero this version of the PP, in jail since last June, published today COUNTRY claimed. "Has changed the UDEF reports regarding accounting found in the headquarters of the group of Francisco Correa? " Asks the PSOE, which also requires explaining why the report of December 2013 disappeared the mention of " Luis the b*****d. "

Antonio Hernando, Secretary of Institutional Relations of the PSOE and second vice president of the Committee on Interior Congress asks, first, whether CosidÃ_ Trallero Alfonso received a letter and what authorities mentioned the existence of this letter or its contents in 2012. The socialist leader also claims that the Interior Ministry say if you had knowledge of the meeting between the commissioner Jose Luis Olivera, exresponsable of UDEF and Trallero.

According to the account of Barcenas, Olivera, near the office interior minister, Jorge Fernández DÃ_az, and they launched exletrado contacts and efforts related to new measures. For this reason, the PSOE question whether the general director of the Police " performed any management or given any indication to any authority, officer or subordinate to the letter " and if Fernandez himself " gave some indication or made ​​some comment " about.

 Tags: Barcenas, calls, clarify, government, mediated, party, police, Socialist


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