
The Splitz all the way?

by  |  earlier

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i'm a dancer and want to be able to do the splitz and need to become very flexible.

Does anyone know any good streches?




  1. i couldn't do the splits a year ago, i just stretched every night

    leaning forward and pressing on the muscles, pulling your leg back up to your head and holding it there.

  2. umm well heres just some tips that will relle hlp ur splits!!

    1.) Stretch everyday!

    2.) When  doing the splits get down as far as you can then, take a deep breathe hold it for 20 secs and release it slowly, this will make you sink down further..getting your closer to your perfect splits.

    3.) Hold your splits for atleast a min...if your advanced try 2.

    4.) Practice in front of the tv or while your on the phone it gets ur mind of the pain.

    5.) Try doing over splits..they really help...or splits under a heavy mattress.

    Good luck

  3. try to sit in your almost splits for a minute each split ( stradle, left and right) when in a stradle or center split try reaching over and getting your chest of the floor. and try sitting with you legs straight out in front of you and reach towards your toes. hold it for a minute and repeate while flexing your feet. also try standing at a barre or and stable object and grabbing on with one hand take the leg on the outside alogn with your outside arm and grab your leg and stretch it up wards do that to the front side and back (grab your knee while to the back) do that on both sides.

    also try and lay down on you back with you legs staight out in front of you. grab you right knee in and pull it into your chest for about a min then take you arch with you right hand and strighten your leg mak sure you keep the knee straight. repeat on both sides.

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