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I just finished reading this last night--thought it was very good, especially the 2nd half. Got really caught up as adult Henry Day got obsessive & freaked out. And I liked how the mother eventually tells Henry "she knew all along". Liked how it was written also, with the alternate voices.
My only critical point is: Speck was supposed to be younger than Aniday, yet seemed so much older--yeah I know she technically was older, but don't all the hobgoblins retain the age of their change? Aniday remained 8. Speck was supposed to be 4.
The other point is the readings that Aniday & Speck were doing under the library--pretty advanced literature there.
And although a minor character, I felt Edward was uneven. When I followed MY timeline for him it was accurate, but at times I thought the author made him more articulate than he should have been for his age (like when he met Speck), and then pulled him back to how he should have been speaking at a later time.
I will definitely recommend this book to people who like reading this type of subject--i.e. LOTR, H.P.