
The Straight path to becoming an Anesthesiologist??

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I am starting a Community college and have finally decided what career I want to pursue which is to be an Anesthesiologist. I don't need the information on income and how to get money for college. I just need advice on what is the most direct path to become this type of Physician. <<Which of these programs is closest related to Anesthesia, Nursing or Biology?

I live in the State of Florida if anyone wants to recommend a University there that could best fullfill my scholastic goals. PLEASE HELP!! I would greatly appreciate it.




  1. If you want to be a MD; do not do a nursing major; do a bio major ( or whatever , doesn&#039;t matter as long as you fulfill the pre-reqs) &amp; take all the pre-reqs required for med school. That is the most direct path--pre-med bachelors to med school (MCATS or course).  You do not need to decide on specialty until residency--every one does the same curricula in med school (you apply to anesthesiology residencies later in med school).  Any decent 4 year college or university with a pre-med program is fine.  You can inquire what % of their pre-meds get accepted into med school as an indication.

  2. Major in whatever interests you.  Med schools don&#039;t choose students based on major.  There are physicians who majored in art, engineering, education, theater, psychology (me!) and all sorts of other things.

    Any 4 year school will do.  Just take the science pre-req&#039;s and kick butt on the MCAT.  Community college is an OK place to start, but it may take you longer to get where you want to be if the 4 year school doesn&#039;t accept CC credits.  Med schools probably will not accept CC credits as valid pre-requisites.  You need a bachelors degree to be considered for med school.

    Good luck with your studies.

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