
The Suicide of College Freshman, 22 years old Megan Wright? Gang Raped? Comments?

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  1. its horrible. absolutely horrible.

  2. The cop that dropped the investigation should be shot.

    The cops and the school will lose in court.

    Too bad about this poor girl and her family.

  3. I dont get how they didnt believe her...Isnt it their job to investigate?

  4. People watched and did nothing. Where have you heard that before? Nothing ever changes!

  5. Man what a shame.  Several castrations are in order.

  6. You notice how in the article they don't interview the cops, the district attorney, the boys, or get at least a comment from the attorneys.  They just state everything the mom said as if it was an uncontroverted fact.  The only source for the article is the mom.  I'll bet ya that when more facts come out there will be a whole different story.  Tell me you haven't been to parties at college where if you only took one side of it looking from the outside things mike look different than they were.

  7. It never ceases to deeply sadden me that any real change in our world is at the price of blood and suffering.  

    And this is evidence that our college and university campuses are less safe than the streets are.  I say let's start changing that, starting with Orangetown, Dominican College and the so called authorities that created such a travesty; such a miscarriage of justice for this kid and her family. This is inexcusable.

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