
The Supreme obliges Castilian Catalonia to ensure a student

by  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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The Supreme Court (SC) dismissed an appeal brought by the Government against an earlier order of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC), January 2013, which was required for imparting education in Castilian and Catalan as the vehicular languages a student.

The sentence of the fourth section of the Division of Administrative Litigation of the Supreme Court reminds known today that there are " numerous judicial precedents " in the same sense that repetition and " determined that now apply this consolidated doctrine." Specifically, are cited in the order of the previous eleven judgments TS, from December 2010 to November 2013, resolved in the same direction.

The Catalan government filed an administrative appeal with the TSJC, which dismissed, for bringing the case to the Supreme Court, which also dismissed and now holds the position of Catalan court.

The TSJC urged the Department of Education, which directs Irene Rigau, to take " all measures necessary to adapt the system of language teaching, as it affects the children of the appellant, to the new situation created by the judgment 31/2010 of the Court constitutional ". Catalan Civic Coexistence valued today in a statement that the contents of this statement " leaves no doubt about the lawfulness of the decision to grant interim protection to children whose parents request bilingual education for their children."

" This adds this simple request entity - justiciable under the corresponding resource will force the Government to immediately provide bilingual education for these children." It also ensures that remain to be resolved in court over twelve other cases, corresponding to as many parents who have applied in Castilian and Catalan education for their children.

 Tags: Castilian, Catalonia, ensure, obliges, student, Supreme


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