
The Syrian regime first talks with opposition

by  |  10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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The great challenges of peace summit Geneva II, which got underway today in the Swiss town of Montreux, have been visible from the start of this one. After brief speeches relatively conciliatory foreign ministers of the United States and Russia, the envoy of the Syrian regime, Walid Muallem to, has embarked on a long tirade in which he accused Turkey and Saudi Arabia to be states to " promote terrorism ", the opposition represented at the conference which is supposed to reach an agreement to be a " traitor "and" paid agents of the enemy " and the international community to bring to his government to suffocation the penalties while fighting Al Qaeda on its territory.

Ban Ki Moon, the UN Secretary General has demanded to Muallem, Syrian Foreign Minister, who was limited to seven minutes allotted, what this has answered: "You live in New York! I live in Syria, this is a summit on Syria, it's my right ". Al Muallem, defiant, finally finished a half-hour speech to the uncompromising reconciliation, saying that " real dialogue between the Syrians must take place in Syrian territory." The attitude of the official Syrian delegation had been incendiary, therefore it has been immediately rejected by the U.S. State Department. He has erased even the faint hope that the summit achieved end by political means to a conflict that has lasted 34 months, which has claimed 130,000 lives and caused nine million displaced.

Is this the first time that the regime of Bashar al-Assad meets with opposition recognized by the West and the Arab League as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people. Both negotiated with 39 countries, including Spain is also, in addition to the UN, the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. There are no deadlines or marked, beyond the idea of ​​moving towards the end of conflict objectives. Beginning Friday Syrian delegations continue the dialogue in Geneva.

This summit, however, runs the risk of being a cross of monologues that are at different positions of the warring parties. The leader of the opposition Syrian National Coalition Jarba Ahmad accused the delegates from Damascus to work to "keep Bachar on his throne while Syrian citizenship mourns its martyrs." "We want to make sure we have an ally in this room who happens to be a delegation of Bashar al-Assad to be a free delegation to all executive powers is withdrawn Bashar Assad. My question is clear. Do we have an ally in this room, "he said, receiving only silence.

Finding himself sitting near a delegation of emissaries Assad, whose fall has predicted so many times, the U.S. secretary of state, John Kerry, was forced to remember that " the Syrian revolution began peacefully " and that "the regime El Asad responded to these peaceful protests with increasing force. " The head of U.S. diplomacy clearly stated that " the right to lead a country not from torture, explosive barrels and missiles," reiterating their intention to exclude a process of transition to Assad.

Meanwhile, the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, laconically called for a solution " without the use of force, and dialogue between Syrians," but noted that not all actors with influence in the conflict were present at the meeting in Geneva. He meant the withdrawal of the invitation to Iran by the UN Secretary General. Ban had spread Sunday night, but Tehran's refusal to accept the status of a process of political transition and U.S. pressure led him to rescind it. Iranian President Hasan Rohani, had previously said it is conference "is doomed to failure ", according to official media in his country.

The position of the opposition represented in Geneva II is extremely weak. Until Saturday not decided in a vote at a meeting that would attend the summit. From their ranks have dropped as the factions called Syrian National Council, who are the leaders of the Coalition as too conciliatory. The truth is that, although unlikely to come to an agreement, there was no way to impose it on the many jihadi militias fighting in Syria, many composed of foreigners, who have no representation in diplomatic forums want like this.

 Tags: opposition, regime, Syrian, talks


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