
The Thirteen Powers Of The Witch?

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What are the thirteen powers exactly in detail. How do you come into these powers. Any help on how to start "training" (for lack of a better word) to obtain these powers?




  1. I'm a Wiccan Witch, trained and all that.  Haven't heard of the 13 Powers of the Witch.

    Want to start training?  Go to  Good reputable site.  

  2. I've heard of the Thirteen Principles of Wiccan Belief but never anything called the Thirteen Powers. To begin "training", I would suggest books by Scott Cunningham, Janet and Stewart Farrar, Margot Adler, Phyllis Curott, and Cassandra Eason. Practicing the Craft takes a quite a bit of study and determination. If you're expecting quick results, it's just not going to happen. Good Luck.

  3. I've been a witch for some time now, and I have never heard of these so called "Thirteen Powers". If witches have powers, it's because they have practiced to the point of being able to control them. Powers a witch posesses is available to all, and you don't have to be a witch to access them. It takes patience, practice and dedication to control "Powers".

  4. You have a lot to learn the powers you are talking about are just psychic senses and using the thought process as thoughts can create

    A Witch is someone who practices witchcraft to help better the world and mankind. A witch is NOT someone who is ugly, worships the devil, or hurts people. Witch is a name given to someone who works with magical powers and natural substances and uses them to help and heal. Magic can be used for both good and evil, but is generally used solely for the good.

    We are all born with Psychic senses everyone you talk too Yes even YOU, has one or more psychic sense

    Some people choose to enhance them, others just ignore them, others may just shut them down.

    They still use them however they don't know they are : )

    Senses are

    Sight: Eyes "Clairvoyance" Spiritual Body "Eye" (called the Third Eye)

    Sound: Ears "Clairaudience" Spiritual Body "Ear"

    Touch: Skin "Clairsentience" Spiritual Body "Skin"

    Taste: Tongue/Nose "Clairlinguance" Spiritual Body "Tongue"

    Smell: Nose "Clairolerance" Spiritual Body "Nose"

    *Know: Brain "Claircognizance" Spiritual Body "Mind"

    Clairaudience - Intuitive

    This is a person who will pick up a thought and hear it. This persons mental or intellectual understanding is very important and they can make good leaders. We all know someone that we would say was a mental person, always having to understand mentally. They carefully think things through. If this person were to become enlightened they would have the ability to become a medium, someone who channels information from entities who have passed over, because their most heightened sensitivity is to hear.

    Clairvoyance- Visionary

    This is a person who will pick up a thought and see it. This person has the ability to transform a thought into a vision, symbol or in colour by using their mind's eye. If an artist, a decorator, a creative person, someone who mainly uses the right side of their brain were to become enlightened they would have the ability to read auras, our chakras, draw guides and this is how they would channel what they received because the ability to see images is their most heightened sensitivity.

    Clairsentience - Prophetic (1)

    This is a person who will pick up a thought and just knows it. This person is sensitive to precognition and has hunches, dreams and knowings and this person usually deals with the future or present and how it will affect another. If you were to meet an enlightened Prophetic you would be able to get some information about your 'line of probability', tomorrow is not set in time remember. This could be a person who has a dream about something and that dream turns out to happen in reality. They have the ability of prediction because they 'just know' and can tune into and understand their hunches.

    Clairsentience - Feeler (2)

    This is a person who will pick up a thought and transform it immediately into a feeling. This persons life can revolve around how it feels to them. Their sense of touch is well-developed and they have the ability to know people by feeling what they feel. After enlightenment, this is someone would have the ability to practice psychometry. The ability to put something belonging to someone in their hand and read the energy. Depending on their other gifts, they could tell the past, present or future from the energy. They have the ability to feel how others feel but only on the emotional level. They will be able to not only empathise but experience their pain, loss, grief etc. For instance, if they were to channel energy from a persons past life they would experience the pain and hurt that that soul experienced in that past lifetime.

    Clairgustance - Taste

    Clairgustance is being aware of tastes without putting anything physically in the mouth. To perceive the essence of a substance through taste from the spiritual or ethereal realms. The sensation of what one is tasting is often linked to a spirit on the other side.

    Claircognizance - Know

    The sense of knowing through our brain, even though it is not a physical sense, simply because it has a corresponding metaphysical sense known as claircognizance, or knowing without knowing how you know.

    Clairolerance - Smell

    The sense of Smelling different fragrances from Spirits to find that earthly connection, strong odours you can't escape and can't explain a reason for eg: Cooking odours, Perfumes, Cigars or Cigarettes, Flowers, Extra. The characteristic essence linked to a spirit on the other side.

    "Using some of the senses or all of the senses you can do"

    Psychometry - Touch

    Psychometry is another form of psychic divination using the sense of touch to get mental impression linked to it. Psychometric impressions may come in the form of emotions, sounds, scents, tastes or images. The visions can appear is single flat images, much like a photo, or as animations. As we exist in an electromagnetic energy reality, metal objects often work best.

    Aura Reader - see

    Aura readings look at your spiritual energy system as represented in the seven layers of your aura. Along with colours, a reader may see memory pictures, symbolic images, spiritual beings and usually energies belonging to others--like friends and family members. Readings can help you identify and release blocks. Aura readings also help you get in touch with your own energy, so you can know your own truth and make the highest choices for yourself.

    Love & Blessings


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