
The Today Show made a big deal of Bush's approval rating - but no mention of Congress worse rating? Why?

by Guest65812  |  earlier

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Why did the Today Show make a big deal of President Bush's record worse approval rating yesterday........ when Congress's approval rating was also announced as a recrod low....... and much worse than Bush's? The Democratic Congress's approval rating is now only 9% - Bush is nearly double that. Why no mention of how bad Congress is? Even registered Dems only give Nancy Pelosi's and Harry Reid's Congress a 13% approval rating......... 87% of registered Democrates hate their Congress.

Why only mention about Bush's numbers? Why don't I hear the truth on TV? How come I only get the truth from talk radio on the drive home?




  1. Try FOX News.  Its more balanced.  All of the others are liberal media.


  2. Let me tell you this now. All these broadcasts (Today Show, CNN [also known as Communist News Network], MSNBC, etc.) are part of the LMM, or Liberal Media Mainstream. They are trying to brainwash you into believing the c**p they're trying to dish out on all Republicans. And when there's a mention of something bad against them, they keep hush hush about it. The ONLY true stations to listen to is, like you said, radio talk shows, and FOX. A few days ago they reported that John Kerry said some bad things about McCain (made me laugh SO hard). Point is, if it was the other way around (Republican saying bad things about Obama) the LMM stations wouldn't report it. But FOX reports it. Because it is FAIR.

  3. Obama showed good character by accepting the apology. Do you agree wunofthemoranbrothers?

  4. Aren't TV stations some of those "Hated" corporations to whom Bush gives all the tax breaks?


  5. Are they talking about Jessie's rants yet, or has that faded into the sunset too.

    Obama shouldn't have accepted his "apology".

    Like the old saying goes--The true character of a man is what he says or does when no one is looking.

    Jessie failed the test miserably

    Edit: Justmythoughts...absolutely..Just wish he had made Jessie sweat a little. He's such a condescending jerk.

  6. Unfortunately, despite dems holding tiny fractional leads in both the house and the senate - they are pretty well deadlocked.

    On top of that, they are stuck with a child president who has fits when he doesn't get his way - and their disapproval is directly tied to their inability to get anything past him.

    They just capitulated to him on telecom amnesty too - so I can understand people holding congress in low regard.

    In the meantime - Dubya is still an idiot.

  7. Check out Fox News if you want both sides of a news story.

    The rest of the media pretend to be balanced but always remember the news media is 90% Democrats and do little more than spout the talking points of the Democrat party

  8. because they are all soo liberal.... its stupid... they all want to blame bush for everything when democrat congress actually has more power... yet they wont say that this country is being driven into the ground because of the democratic congress....

    they are intentionally batting down all of the republican propositions that could actually help the economy so that they can make the bush presidency as bad as it possibly can be... at least to those who arent smart enough to see who the real problem is.

    Unfortunately the majority isnt smart enough to see who the real idiots are... the ones that are doing the governmental framing, the ones that control how the government runs, the ones that dictate functions of the economy... democrat congress....

  9. I don't know why. But if I ever watch the today show or listen to talk radio will someone please shoot me in the face.Thank You.

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