
The Transcontinental Railroad?

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How long did it take to get from one end of The Transcontinental Railroad to the other.

MIND YOU it was the tracks built with in the four years after the civil war.




  1. It took about a week from St.Louis to the west cost and approx.3 days from the East cost to St. Louis. So it would be one week and three days.

  2. 60 hours non-stop, add in time for stops  :)

  3. Average speed, 12.5 MPH.  Distance from Omaha to Sacramento = x miles.  x divided by 12.5 = Time in hours.

    Rail miles, which are significantly longer than any highway miles, between the two points is the variable, and much of the original route has been abandoned.

    So, if, by way of example, 1500 is the mileage, divided by 12.5, is 120 hrs, divided by 24 is 5 days, which to me sounds like it's in the ball park.

    These are all averages, so running time may be a little more or a little less.  Figure out the rail miles and you'll get as close as you can.

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