
The Truth About Medicine?!?

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I'm always pretty worried about my mom and her health. She's 48 going on 49. She's going through menopause or gone through, and she's overweight. I'm only 19 years old, and I want her around as long as possible. And she's taking thyroid and high blood pressure medicine. She went through some sort of tests at the doctor's, and found out that her arteries and heart was fine. But, I'm still worried, because she doesn't seem healthy. Now my uncle (her brother), had a severe thyroid problems as a young teenager that landed him in the hospital for months. He's now been a "health nut" for a couple of decades and doesn't take any medicine, and is perfectly healthy. In excellent shape. And I was just wondering what natural remedies are out there that actually work, and improve health. And I'm not trying to so much knock doctors and medicine off, but medicine seems to be stronger than ever, and people seem to be getting sicker. You take this pill, and the side effects cause you to take another. Some recipes, or methods would really help. Thanks in advance!!!




  1. First, I agree with you about pharmaceuticals.  Both of my parents have been on a cycle of "Have a problem? Let's add another medication.  Side effect from medication causing a problem?  Let's add another medication."

    The very best thing for your mother to do is to lose weight and exercise regularly.  In addition:

    A nutritional protocol for lowering blood pressure:


    Calcium, Magnesium, Garlic, L Carnitine, L glutamic acid, L glutamine, Selenium, Co Q10, EFAs (flaxseed oil) Vitamin C, Lecithin granules and Vitamin E.

    A strict salt-free diet is essential, and all animal fats (meat and dairy) must be avoided.  Broiled white fish and skinless chicken may be consumed in moderation only.  Primary protein sources should be from vegetables, grains and legumes.

    Avoid all alcohol, caffeine and tobacco.

    Fast for three days each month to periodically cleanse and detoxify the body.

    Get regular exercise, and keep weight down.

    A nutritional protocol for hypothyroidism:


    Kelp 2000-3000mg daily

    L-Tyrosine 500 mg twice daily

    Vitamin B complex 100 mg 3x daily, w/meals

    Brewer’s yeast As directed

    Essential Fatty Acids  As directed

    Beta Carotene 15,000 iu daily

    Vitamin C 500 mg 4x daily

    Vitamin E 400 iu daily

    Zinc 50 mg daily


    Bayberry and black cohosh can be quite helpful.


    Include in the diet molasses, parsley, apricots, dates and prunes.

    Avoid Brussels sprouts, peaches, pears, spinach, turnips, cabbage, kale, broccoli and mustard greens.

    Antihistamines and sulfa drugs should not be taken, unless specifically advised by a physician.

    Avoid processed and refined foods, including white flour and sugar.

    Avoid fluoride (in toothpaste and tap water) and chlorine. (tap water)


  2. Hi,

    I agree with your observations and awareness.  The information that we have all been missing, including traditional doctors who are not taught this, is information on how the body works and what it needs to stay healthy.

    Conventional medicine, drugs and surgery are best for emergencies and it is superior for that.  

    You've observed your uncle change somethings and the effect it has had on his health and that's good.  

    A lot of "health nuts" practice better nutrition and make choices that help their bodies work.  But they don't always know the basics, why something leads to better health.  

    I can say this because I've had some serious health issues and after being prescribed more and more drugs and feeling worse and worse, I finally had it.

    I began investigating what really contributes to health and it's actually simple and common sense but the knowledge is buried under all the hype about health in society!

    I started a website last year to share this knowledge of health basics.  If you are interested in a good foundation to understanding health, you can visit

    About your mom, I do know what it's like to be worried about her... but she needs to have the desire herself to improve her health.  Maybe you can share this site with her.  It's important that we all make our own decisions based on good information!

    Best wishes,


  3. Have a talk with her ... tell her that you are worried. Maybe offer to get onto a walking routine with her? Go to the gym together?

    It's all natural: She needs better diet, more exercise. Weight loss will improve her blood pressure AND her thyroid problem. Exercise will help her mood.

    Be careful recommending any "natural remedies" because they can interfere with the medicines she has been prescribed. Fresh vegetables and regular exercise are hard to beat.  

  4. I wouldn't waste time with natural remedies, most don't work and are just scams, find a good doctor, stick with him or her, get blood work done, and if you need to take medication than do it and the doctor will keep check of your mom with the blood work and she can tell if she feels better or not. Also try for a healthy diet and exercise, your mom is still young and if it is the change she'll get through it just like all us other women did, have patience, be kind and she'll be great.

  5. Wow. These answers certainly run the spectrum.  I liked the one that said you need to understand how the body works.  There is wisdom in that.

    My advise, all healing comes from within the body.  Doctors, myself included, only establish a healing enviroment, the body does the rest. Sure, at times the body can be over whelmed and needs assistance; but in the long run our bodies are very good at healing themselves, given the chance.  It is not good that advertisers and drug companies tell us from birth that our bodies are "lacking" and we need their product to function.  They are wrong.  It is a business.  Doctors and medicines don't cure anything.  People get better with our help, but the curing part comes from within.

    I'm sorry about your mother's thyroid problem.  Do a search on "hypothyroidism."  Knowledge is power.  

  6. the good doctors are going to be found if you search good for..

    integrated medicine

    naturalistic medicine

    alternitive medicine

    all these doctors look first at what is wrong with your body, then prescribe if need be. Things like high blood pressure can be cured through diet alone, and in as little as 13 weeks. Most will also suggest a vegan diet aka 10% fat diet. Most of these things are dietary responses. But any of these doctors should first assume it is a diet problem before they prescribe drugs. Example would be for depression, they would suggest working out and getting more vitamin d, because lack of either of those cause depression. If that didn't work, and nothing nutrion wise worked, then they would prescribe anti-depressents.

    For the most part these people try to cure you without pills first. If you are worried about her, and want her healthy, i would strongly suggest a vegan diet for her, at least for 1 year. Careful as if she takes blood pressure medication, and you start to cure it, she might start to pass out from the medication.

    watch the source video to see what i'm talking about.

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