
The Tula or Tulla Stone. Germany. Anybody know anything about Gottfried Tulla who straigtened the River Rhine?

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The Tula or Tulla Stone. Germany. Anybody know anything about Gottfried Tulla who straigtened the River Rhine?




  1. March 1828: Day of death Johann Gottfried Tulla

    If at the Rhine and its tributaries the level conditions rise, it is called Rhine up, rheinab "country under". This problem is age-old. Before the adjustment of the Rhine whole villages the river fell to the victim. At the beginning 19. Century made itself therefore the Karlsruher engineer Johann Gottfried Tulla to point the Rhine into its barriers. Tulla never experienced the implementation of its vision. Its successors would have done well to adhere more exact to their predecessor. Because hydraulic engineering experts are itself today united: After Tullas plans the Rhine would be than it it today is more zahmer and at the same time more beautifully become.

    Memory of Colonels Tulla on the quarter well of the city LudwigshafenJohann Gottfried Tulla (* 20 March 1770 in Karlsruhe? 27. March 1828 in Paris) was an engineer of Baden, in 19. Century straightening and navigable making of the Rhine accomplished.

    Its measures gave the upper Rhine, e.g. with Karlsruhe Knielingen, a completely new appearance:

    Straightening and restricting the flussbettes on 200-250 m

    "cutting" the loops off with Durchstichen - northern of Karlsruhe

    Building of correct dam plants

    Reinforcement of the form

    Recess of the flussbettes

    Table of contents [Verbergen]

    1 personal record

    2 works

    3 literature

    4 Web on the left of

    Personal record [work on]

    20 March 1770 in Karlsruhe born

    1792 training in Gerabronn with Karl Christian von Langsdorf

    1795 studies of chemistry and mineralogy in free mountain (Saxonia)

    1796 assumption in government service of Baden

    1797 markgraeflicher engineer

    1801 further training in Paris

    1802 recall to Karlsruhe

    1803 appointment as the captain

    1807 joint founders of the school of engineering, the Vorgaengerin of the 1825 created University of Karlsruhe

    1809 appointment as the major

    1814 appointment as the lieutenant colonel

    1817 directors/conductors of the upper management of the water and road construction

    1824 appointment as the highest one

    1827 appointment as the officer of the French Ehrenlegion

    27. March 1828 died

    Tulla was buried at the cemetery Montmartre in Paris. Its gravestone shows the "Altriper in such a way specified hits a corner", one of the technically most difficult sections of the Rhine straightening near the pfaelzischen Dorfe Altrip.

    Works [work on]

    Charte over the Grossherzogthum bathing (1812)

    Over the rectification of the Rhine, of its withdrawal from the Schweitz up to its entrance into the Grossherzogthum Hessen (1825)

    Literature [work on]

    Arthur Valdenaire: Tulla. Brown, Karlsruhe 1928

    Heinrich Cassinone: Johann Gottfried Tulla, the founder of the water and road construction management in bathing. C.F. Mueller, Karlsruhe 1929

    Emil Mosonyi (Hrsg.): Johann Gottfried Tulla. Responding and lectures to the commemoration ceremony and international trade conference on channel regulations from cause 200. Birthday. Theodor Rehbock Flusslaboratorium, Karlsruhe 1970

  2. In 1817, the Baden engineer Johann Gottfried Tulla, the celebrated "Tamer of the Wild Rhine," began a project that eliminated the Rhine's "imperfections"--oxbows, braids, islands--that exacerbated flooding on the Upper Rhine.  In Tulla's eyes, the ideal waterway had geographic length, but no geographic breadth; floodplains should be used for farms and towns, rather than the absorption of high water during seasonal variations in water level. This ideal resembled a canal: "straight, predictable, easily controlled, specifically designed for navigation, not prone to flooding, easily contained within a single channel, but not so sluggish as to breed disease".

    Johann Gottfried Tulla was born  20. März 1770 in Karlsruhe

    and died 27. März 1828 in Paris.

  3. You've already been told about details of Tulla's life. So here's only some information about the Tulla-Stone (Tullastein).

    Where it is (look at km 360.90; close to Karlsruhe)

    What it is (german only, but a photo)

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