
The Turing test, anyone?

by  |  earlier

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What questions would you ask to make sure that you can distinguish the human respondent from the computer (AI) respondent?





  1. I would ask "Is it true or false that you will never say this sentence is true?"

    If Godel is right, a machine should not be able to answer the question.

  2. Pretend to tell a knock knock joke.

    Machine pretending to be human should pick up on the format but not the context, the logical choice would be to pretend to laugh when it is not warranted.

    Then again, that depends on how well the programmer's mind work to the computer's advantage.

    So even if it past the test, it could turn out to be the human programmer's humanity we ended up testing.  That's the catch of a Turing test.

  3. this question that you just asked!!!

  4. Niel S is, of course, correct.  But only if you're dealing with a simple first-order predicate logic.  Even the dimmest undergraduate should know enough to check for unbounded recursion and return an answer of 'the question is undecideable'.


  5. Empathetic questions...

  6. :D-[-<





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