
The Two Party system will eventaully lead to the downfall of the Legislative Branch of the American Government

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True or Fale. And to be clear, this isn't a homework question.




  1. Even though the political system is so often refer ed to as a two part system, we all know that this isn't true. It is a multiple party system even though the Dem and Rep parties are the strong hold on our government.  Personally I believe that we need to change are political party identification.  Our system has missed so many opportunities as a nation because of a political party. What we need to do is take our country back and only have politicians that support what the people of this great country want. If you are elected to office then you are a politician not a Dem or Rep or Ind just a good IL Representative of the people.  Maybe then we would see the good guy from the bad.

  2. Not just the legislative branch , most likely the whole government. They get closer and closer together by the day

  3. Yes.  The 2 party system has become an illusion.  There is one party now.  The rich, they put on this relly boring show that no one with intelligence finds ammusing.  Only the simple minded morons that will vote for them after watching them get caught in lie after lie.  But you know what they say, vote Democrat if you are a Dem and Republican if you aren't.  Well I am not a rich business owner that has no other intentions thn staying a rich business owner for eternity.  Thanks but I'll vote 3rd party and hope that one day even the people without a brain will vote 3rd party.  Since the only reason a 3rd party candidate runs is because he is tired of the business lobbyist ruining the government for thier own person endeavors.  I am tired of watching this country spiral round the last end of a toilet that has just been flushed.  Don't people know the closer you get to the bottom the faster you consinue farther down the spiral?  We are screwed if we do not get these idiots out of politics.

  4. lol I know what you mean about the editing. But its not just the Legislative, It would hurt. Look where we are this very moment with the Executive branch, the 18 million who were backing Hillary dont know what to do. They cant stand Obama even if his and Hillary's issues were all but the same, and are to scared to think of four more years of the same things happening. It hurts the Govt as a whole not just one part of that Govt. Its a stupid system and it sucks. But I also know that like it or not thats the ways it's working now, so to vote third party the way things are now is a waste. People can blame Florida in 2000, and say they got by with the same c**p in Ohio in 2004, But if the people who voted for Nader could have only voted Bush, Gore or Bush, Kerry do you think it still would have been close enough to steal? I cant see to many Nader votes having gone to Bush. So that cost us in the end. Fighting for a lost cause when there is no help, May be noble, but not very smart.

  5. The USA does not have a two party system, we use a multi-party system.

    No system is perfect, but the USA has done more in 232 years with the multi-party representative republic, and capitalist society  then any other country has done in thousands of years.

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